SAS 179 – Disaster Strategy & Hurricane

A hurricane is a wind of high speed – above force 12 on the Beaufort scale – which brings torrential rain and can destroy any flimsy structures. It is a tropical form of cyclone, which in more temperate latitudes would be prevented from developing in the upper levels of the air by the prevailing westerly winds.

SAS 179 - Disaster Strategy & Hurricane

SAS 179 – Disaster Strategy & Hurricane

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Tinder is any material that takes only a spar to ignite. Birch bark, dried grasses, wood shavings, bird down, waxed paper, cotton fluff, fir cones, pine needles, powdered dried fungi, scorched or charred cotton arc excellent tinder, as in the fine dust produced by wood burrowing insects and the inside of bird's nests.
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Porcupine fish, Puffer fish, TriggerFish are very poisonous to eat. They differ somewhat in appearance, but when alarmed all inflate into a spiny ball. The flesh of these animals is poisonous.
PS Emergency Preparedness Checklist (1)
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Even some plants are poisonous. Some of the poisonous plants are Poison Sumac, Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Jewelweed. Death Camas, Thorn-apple, Jimson Weed are poisons by ingestion. Plants like Foxglove, Monk's-hood, Hcmlock, Water Hemlock, Baneberry and Deadly Nightshade are also the Poisonous plants.
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Soap is an antiseptic: use to wash wounds. Wash hands in boiled water before cleaning wound. Wash wound in boiled water or if none is available use urine, which is sterile and will not introduce infection.
SAS 053 - Animal Tracking
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SAS 148 - First Aid & Fractures
The types of fractures that may effect are Fracture of the Hip or Upper Leg, Fracture of the knee, Fracture of the lower leg, Fracture of the Ankle or foot, Fracture of the pelvis, Fracture of the Spine and the Fracture of the Skull.
Finding South
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SAS 175 - Disaster Strategy & Fire
Escaping through fire: Sometimes the best escape route may be to run through the flames. This is impossible if they are very intense and the area covered by thefire is great. In a large clearing or on heath land, however, it may be possible to run through less dense fire to refuge on the already burned-out land.
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Intestinal problems can be permanently eradicated by Mountain avens, Balm, Water mint, Elm, Cleavers, Agrimony, Lesser celandine and solomon's seal.
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