SAS 155 – Diseases

When in water, the survivor is more likely to be exposed to water – borne diseases, or those carried by insects and animals. Tropical diseases are less familiar and will therefore be dealt with here in more detail. Where drugs are not available, treatment is largely a matter of dealing with symptoms and making patient comfortable.

SAS 155 - Diseases

SAS 155 – Diseases

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SAS 157 - Diseases
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Blazing the Oil and Water: Pierce a minor hole in base of a tin can for every fluid and fit tapered adheres to represent the rush. The oil and dilute run a trough to a metal plate. To expand course haul out stick; goad into decrease. 
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In polar territories gives in and hollows shape basic safe houses. Depending on if you convey a bivouac, stretch it is insurance by heaping up detached snow around and over it, so long as it can back the weight. At exceptionally level temperatures snow is strong and you require spades and ice saws to cut into it or make obstructs of it. 
SAS 076 - Building Shelter
In rain forests and jungle where the ground is damp and crawling with insects a raised bed is preferable. Unless the nigths are cold, the number one priority will be to keep rasonably dry.