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PS Family Supply Kit (4)
First of all, find out which disaster are most likely to happen in your community. Ask how you would be warned. Find out how to prepare for each. Meet with the family ad discuss the type of disasters that could happen.
First of all, find out which disaster are most likely to happen in your community. Ask how you would be warned. Find out how to prepare for each. Meet with the family ad discuss the type of disasters that could happen.
Surviving Hostage Situation
Who needs to hold up till they catch Hands Up ! To resolve how to survive a prisoner scenario ? Straight Bolz, who independently arranged the discharge of more than 800 prisoners as head of New York Police Dept prisoner arrangement group, discloses the 12 steps to getting out in one piece.
Who needs to hold up till they catch Hands Up ! To resolve how to survive a prisoner scenario ? Straight Bolz, who independently arranged the discharge of more than 800 prisoners as head of New York Police Dept prisoner arrangement group, discloses the 12 steps to getting out in one piece.
SAS 156 - Diseases
To reduce risk keep skin covered, sleep under a mosquito net, use insect repellents, and do not camp near swamps or stagnat water. A course of tablets, begun before exposure, can protect against malaria. Not restricted to the tropics, transmitted through saliva of female anpheles mosquito. It kills over a million people a year in Africa alone.
To reduce risk keep skin covered, sleep under a mosquito net, use insect repellents, and do not camp near swamps or stagnat water. A course of tablets, begun before exposure, can protect against malaria. Not restricted to the tropics, transmitted through saliva of female anpheles mosquito. It kills over a million people a year in Africa alone.
PS Family Disaster Plan (4)
If disaster strikes, Remain calm and Patient. Put your plan into Action.Check for injuries and give first aid and get help for seiously injured people.Listen to your battery powered radio for news and instructions. Evacuate, if advised to do so. Wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes.
If disaster strikes, Remain calm and Patient. Put your plan into Action.Check for injuries and give first aid and get help for seiously injured people.Listen to your battery powered radio for news and instructions. Evacuate, if advised to do so. Wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes.
SAS 097 - Clothing & Ropes
Taking care of Rope: Rope should be protected from exposure to damp or storing sunlight and if made from natural fibres, from attack by rodents and insects. If it does get wet, do not force dry it in front of a fire. Do not drag it or leave it on the ground. Dirt can penetrate and work away at the fibres.
Taking care of Rope: Rope should be protected from exposure to damp or storing sunlight and if made from natural fibres, from attack by rodents and insects. If it does get wet, do not force dry it in front of a fire. Do not drag it or leave it on the ground. Dirt can penetrate and work away at the fibres.
Surviving a Thunderstorm
To survive from a thunderstorm, do not take cover under the tree's or any other wooden structure. If struck by lightning, they will effectively explode and you will be trapped under a fiery tree of death. On top of that, you will probably have quite a few big splinters.
To survive from a thunderstorm, do not take cover under the tree's or any other wooden structure. If struck by lightning, they will effectively explode and you will be trapped under a fiery tree of death. On top of that, you will probably have quite a few big splinters.
SAS 127 - Sea Survival, Water Rationing & Fishing
Conserve emergency food supplies until needed. Try to live off sea life. There are dangerous fish, but in the open sea, fish are generally safe to eat. Near the shore there are dangerous and poisonous species.
Conserve emergency food supplies until needed. Try to live off sea life. There are dangerous fish, but in the open sea, fish are generally safe to eat. Near the shore there are dangerous and poisonous species.
SAS 088 - Useful Utensils
Some of the useful utensils that make the camp craft complete are the Pot ROd, Swinging pot holder, Variable pot hook, Cup, the Spoon, Birch Bark.
Some of the useful utensils that make the camp craft complete are the Pot ROd, Swinging pot holder, Variable pot hook, Cup, the Spoon, Birch Bark.
SAS 013 - Climate & Terrain
Survival can also be obtained from the Decidous Forests, The Temperate Grasslands, Mediterranean regions, Tropical Forests, Savannahs. Be guided by the constellations and travel by night without depending much on the compasses as they are very unreliable.
Survival can also be obtained from the Decidous Forests, The Temperate Grasslands, Mediterranean regions, Tropical Forests, Savannahs. Be guided by the constellations and travel by night without depending much on the compasses as they are very unreliable.
SAS 046 - Tropical & Seashore Plants
The accompanying seashore plants thrive in salty conditions, at the same time countless different palatable plants happen close to the coast. The Oraches tree, Sea Beet, Sea Rockets, Glassworts and the Scurvy grass.
The accompanying seashore plants thrive in salty conditions, at the same time countless different palatable plants happen close to the coast. The Oraches tree, Sea Beet, Sea Rockets, Glassworts and the Scurvy grass.
SAS 050 - Animal Tracking
Rabbits are widespread and easy to catch. Most live in burrows, often in large numbers and using well worn runs - the places to set snares. Hares do not live in burrows and tend not to have regular runs. It is not possible to survive on rabbit alone, no matter how many you eat. The body needs minerals and vitamins which rabbit does not provide, make sure to balance your diet with vegetation.
Rabbits are widespread and easy to catch. Most live in burrows, often in large numbers and using well worn runs - the places to set snares. Hares do not live in burrows and tend not to have regular runs. It is not possible to survive on rabbit alone, no matter how many you eat. The body needs minerals and vitamins which rabbit does not provide, make sure to balance your diet with vegetation.
SAS 084 - Fire
Gouge a small depression at a near end of baseboard. Cut a cavity below for tiner. Shape the spindle evenly. Make a bow from a pliable shoot and hide, twine or a bootlace. Use hollow piece of stone wood to steady top of the spindle and exert downloard pressure. Wind bowstring once round spindle.
Gouge a small depression at a near end of baseboard. Cut a cavity below for tiner. Shape the spindle evenly. Make a bow from a pliable shoot and hide, twine or a bootlace. Use hollow piece of stone wood to steady top of the spindle and exert downloard pressure. Wind bowstring once round spindle.
PS Emergency Preparedness Checklist (2)
In a blaze or different crisis, you might should empty your house, pad or trailer on an instant's acknowledge. You ought to be available to get out snappy. Develop an escape plan by drawing a floor plan of your residence.
In a blaze or different crisis, you might should empty your house, pad or trailer on an instant's acknowledge. You ought to be available to get out snappy. Develop an escape plan by drawing a floor plan of your residence.
SAS 063 - Hunting
The danger of hunting is animals will attack except in self-defence, but do not camp on a trail or near an animal watering spot. Do not provoke a bear encounter as bears are scavangers and will come to camps in search of food. Do not get close or try to catch them.
The danger of hunting is animals will attack except in self-defence, but do not camp on a trail or near an animal watering spot. Do not provoke a bear encounter as bears are scavangers and will come to camps in search of food. Do not get close or try to catch them.
SAS 119 - Moving on Waterways
A wide river will be easier to float on than to walk beside. Long-term survivors should experiment with making canoes by burning out the centre of a tree trunk or covering a frame of willow with birch bark or skins.
A wide river will be easier to float on than to walk beside. Long-term survivors should experiment with making canoes by burning out the centre of a tree trunk or covering a frame of willow with birch bark or skins.
SAS 144 - First Aid & Wounds
Lesser the bleeding immediately. Clean the wound carefully and apply a sterile dressing during an injury. To avoid the risk of infection, do not touch the wound or allow non-sterile materials to touch it. Replace the dressing only when it becomes very dirty.
Lesser the bleeding immediately. Clean the wound carefully and apply a sterile dressing during an injury. To avoid the risk of infection, do not touch the wound or allow non-sterile materials to touch it. Replace the dressing only when it becomes very dirty.
SAS 105 - Knots
There techniques for lashing differ consistent with the position of the segments. THese strategies are significant in making flatboats, safe houses and so on.
There techniques for lashing differ consistent with the position of the segments. THese strategies are significant in making flatboats, safe houses and so on.
SAS 100 - Knots
Fisherman’s knot is the perfect hitch for uniting springy vines, wires, dangerous lines and gut throwing a baited hook out there line. Particularly secure but difficult to untie. Not prescribed for cumbersome ropes or nylon line. Twofold angler's stronger adaptation of the above. don't utilize for nylon casting a line out there lines, nylon ropes, or massive ropes.
Fisherman’s knot is the perfect hitch for uniting springy vines, wires, dangerous lines and gut throwing a baited hook out there line. Particularly secure but difficult to untie. Not prescribed for cumbersome ropes or nylon line. Twofold angler's stronger adaptation of the above. don't utilize for nylon casting a line out there lines, nylon ropes, or massive ropes.
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