SAS 152 – First Aid & Moving the Injured

During the conscious casuality of the victim, Grasp victim’s right wrist. Bend your head under his arm so your shoulder is level with his lower abdomen. Bend your knees, allowing the weight to fall across your shoulders. Place your right arm between or around legs.

SAS 152 - First Aid & Moving the Injured

SAS 152 – First Aid & Moving the Injured

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Firelighting with Chemicals: The mixture containing Potassium Chlorate and sugar, Potassium permanganate and sugar and sodum chlorate and sugar are the perfect mixtures for the Camp Craft.
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PS Family Disaster Plan (7)
Some of the Tips to survive with a family disaster plan are to Conduct a home hazard hunt by identifying the objects in the house that could be dangerous in an emergency. Take a first aid and CPR class.Have enough disaster supplies on hand. Develop an emergency communication plan. make arrangements for your pets as part of your household 
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PS Family Disaster Plan (4)
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Direction Finding: The sun rises the eas and sets in the west, roughly speaking. In the northern hemisphere, at noon, the sun will be due south; in the southern hemisphere it will be due north. The hemisphere is indicated by the way shadows move: clockwise in the north, anti-clockwise in the south.
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