Moving the Injured : Loading a Stretcher.
A patient on a blanket can be lifted using the blanket. Other methods of lifting depend on the number of helpers. Agree signals for synchronised movements.
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SAS 101 - Knots
Triple Bowline: A bowline made with a twofold line. Structure a circle, pass copied exist close through circle, betraying standing part and trust through circle. This produces 3 circles which could be utilized for supplies haulage, or as asit-sling or lifting saddle with one circle adjust every thigh and the different adjust the midsection.
Triple Bowline: A bowline made with a twofold line. Structure a circle, pass copied exist close through circle, betraying standing part and trust through circle. This produces 3 circles which could be utilized for supplies haulage, or as asit-sling or lifting saddle with one circle adjust every thigh and the different adjust the midsection.
SAS 079 - Building Shelter
If you decide that there is no hope of rescue and it is impracticable to make your own way to safety due to distance, time of year, lack of equipment or physical condition, make a comfortable, permanent shelter.
If you decide that there is no hope of rescue and it is impracticable to make your own way to safety due to distance, time of year, lack of equipment or physical condition, make a comfortable, permanent shelter.
SAS 090 - Preserving Food
If food is not plentiful or is limited by season, ensure that stores keep safely. Do not store food in direct sunlight, near excessive warmth or moisture, nor where scavengers may ruin it.
If food is not plentiful or is limited by season, ensure that stores keep safely. Do not store food in direct sunlight, near excessive warmth or moisture, nor where scavengers may ruin it.
Surviving a Thunderstorm
To survive from a thunderstorm, do not take cover under the tree's or any other wooden structure. If struck by lightning, they will effectively explode and you will be trapped under a fiery tree of death. On top of that, you will probably have quite a few big splinters.
To survive from a thunderstorm, do not take cover under the tree's or any other wooden structure. If struck by lightning, they will effectively explode and you will be trapped under a fiery tree of death. On top of that, you will probably have quite a few big splinters.
SAS 068 - Fishing
Using the floats and weights in hunting is very important. A small floating object attached to the line, visible from the bank, will show you when you have a bit. Small weights between float and hook stop the line trailing along the water or too near the surface, while leaving the hook itself in movement.
Using the floats and weights in hunting is very important. A small floating object attached to the line, visible from the bank, will show you when you have a bit. Small weights between float and hook stop the line trailing along the water or too near the surface, while leaving the hook itself in movement.
SAS 002 - Equipment
Here are a portion of the things to work toward getting made due throughout any debacle. Matches ideally waterprrof, Candle which is shaved square for pressing, Flint, Magnifying glass, needles and string, fish catches and line and a compass which is fluid-filled sort with radiant catch is best.
Here are a portion of the things to work toward getting made due throughout any debacle. Matches ideally waterprrof, Candle which is shaved square for pressing, Flint, Magnifying glass, needles and string, fish catches and line and a compass which is fluid-filled sort with radiant catch is best.
How to Jump from a Moving Car
Flinging yourself from a moving auto ought to be a final resort, for instance if your brakes are flawed and your auto is going to take off a bluff or into an entourage. Apply the crisis brake. This should not stop the auto, at the same time it may back it off enough to make bouncing safer.
Flinging yourself from a moving auto ought to be a final resort, for instance if your brakes are flawed and your auto is going to take off a bluff or into an entourage. Apply the crisis brake. This should not stop the auto, at the same time it may back it off enough to make bouncing safer.
SAS 047 - Seaweed & Animal Tracking
Seaweeds occur anchored tot bottom in shallow waters, or floating on open sea. Coastal weeds are often stratified: green forms grow in surface waters, red in shallow water, brown a little deeper. Wash seaweeds in freshwater before eating, to remove salt. If you can read the subtle signs that animals leave, you will know what hunting/trapping methods to use. Only large, powerful mammals ventur...
Seaweeds occur anchored tot bottom in shallow waters, or floating on open sea. Coastal weeds are often stratified: green forms grow in surface waters, red in shallow water, brown a little deeper. Wash seaweeds in freshwater before eating, to remove salt. If you can read the subtle signs that animals leave, you will know what hunting/trapping methods to use. Only large, powerful mammals ventur...
SAS 058 - Animal Trapping
A deadfall is an ample shake or log that is tilted on a plot and kept up with areas of limbs (stays), with one of them that serves as a trigger. When the creature moves the trigger which may have trap on or close it, the rock or log falls, pounding the creature. The figure-four dead fall is an in vogue and basic trap built from materials recognized in the hedge.
A deadfall is an ample shake or log that is tilted on a plot and kept up with areas of limbs (stays), with one of them that serves as a trigger. When the creature moves the trigger which may have trap on or close it, the rock or log falls, pounding the creature. The figure-four dead fall is an in vogue and basic trap built from materials recognized in the hedge.
SAS 026 - Tropical Regions
A wide mixed bag of tree grown foods, roots and leaves are ready. Banana, papaya, mango and figs are effortlessly distinguished, anyhow you might discover the abundance of tropical nourishments puzzling. An extensive variety of well evolved creatures, reptiles, feathered creatures and fish might be chased, trapped and casted a line out there. In addition there are sufficient materials fo...
A wide mixed bag of tree grown foods, roots and leaves are ready. Banana, papaya, mango and figs are effortlessly distinguished, anyhow you might discover the abundance of tropical nourishments puzzling. An extensive variety of well evolved creatures, reptiles, feathered creatures and fish might be chased, trapped and casted a line out there. In addition there are sufficient materials fo...
SAS 097 - Clothing & Ropes
Taking care of Rope: Rope should be protected from exposure to damp or storing sunlight and if made from natural fibres, from attack by rodents and insects. If it does get wet, do not force dry it in front of a fire. Do not drag it or leave it on the ground. Dirt can penetrate and work away at the fibres.
Taking care of Rope: Rope should be protected from exposure to damp or storing sunlight and if made from natural fibres, from attack by rodents and insects. If it does get wet, do not force dry it in front of a fire. Do not drag it or leave it on the ground. Dirt can penetrate and work away at the fibres.
SAS 176 - Disaster Strategy, Fire & Flood
Aeroplanes are equipped with automatic extinguishers for engine fires and hand held extinguishers in the cabin. Action should be taken immediately. On civil airlines summon a flight attendant immediately you suspect fire - the staff know where equipment is and how to use it.
Aeroplanes are equipped with automatic extinguishers for engine fires and hand held extinguishers in the cabin. Action should be taken immediately. On civil airlines summon a flight attendant immediately you suspect fire - the staff know where equipment is and how to use it.
The Malayan name for a knife with a large curved blade like a machete. Too large for everyday use, it is ideal in the wilds for cutting down trees and building shelters and rafts.
The Malayan name for a knife with a large curved blade like a machete. Too large for everyday use, it is ideal in the wilds for cutting down trees and building shelters and rafts.
SAS 063 - Hunting
The danger of hunting is animals will attack except in self-defence, but do not camp on a trail or near an animal watering spot. Do not provoke a bear encounter as bears are scavangers and will come to camps in search of food. Do not get close or try to catch them.
The danger of hunting is animals will attack except in self-defence, but do not camp on a trail or near an animal watering spot. Do not provoke a bear encounter as bears are scavangers and will come to camps in search of food. Do not get close or try to catch them.
SAS 105 - Knots
There techniques for lashing differ consistent with the position of the segments. THese strategies are significant in making flatboats, safe houses and so on.
There techniques for lashing differ consistent with the position of the segments. THese strategies are significant in making flatboats, safe houses and so on.
SAS 138 - First Aid & Choking
Heimlich Manqeuvre: Stand behind a cognizant setback, arms around them. Make a clench hand of one hand and press it thumb inwards above navel but beneath breastbone. Catch different hand adjust the clench hand. Pull sharply upwards and inwards four times.
Heimlich Manqeuvre: Stand behind a cognizant setback, arms around them. Make a clench hand of one hand and press it thumb inwards above navel but beneath breastbone. Catch different hand adjust the clench hand. Pull sharply upwards and inwards four times.
FC 29 - Make a Foxhole Radio
A Foxhole Radio is a radio assembled by G.I.s around Planet War II. The foxhole radio contrasted from the precious stone radio. An extremely sharp edge and pencil were utilized as a diode as a part of a foxhole radio while a bit of precious stone is utilized as a diode as a part of a gem radio. The Foxhole Radio is similar to a precious stone situated in that it tries not to need an outside fo...
A Foxhole Radio is a radio assembled by G.I.s around Planet War II. The foxhole radio contrasted from the precious stone radio. An extremely sharp edge and pencil were utilized as a diode as a part of a foxhole radio while a bit of precious stone is utilized as a diode as a part of a gem radio. The Foxhole Radio is similar to a precious stone situated in that it tries not to need an outside fo...
SAS 130 - Rescue & Signalling
Siting the signals: Take account of the terrain. Choose high points for light signals. Erect an unusual silhouette or a ridge to attract attention. Planes fly over hilly territory from the lower to the higher ridges, so slopes behind ridges may be hidden as the plan approaches. Signals near tops of ridges should be seen from any direction.
Siting the signals: Take account of the terrain. Choose high points for light signals. Erect an unusual silhouette or a ridge to attract attention. Planes fly over hilly territory from the lower to the higher ridges, so slopes behind ridges may be hidden as the plan approaches. Signals near tops of ridges should be seen from any direction.
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