SAS 142 – First Aid & CPR

For Infants and Children, Use less pressure and more compressions. For a baby or toddler, light pressure with two fingers is enough at 100 compressions per minute. Depress chest only 2.5 cm. Give 5 compressions to one lung inflation.

SAS 142 - First Aid & CPR

SAS 142 – First Aid & CPR

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PS Emergency Preparedness Checklist (2)
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Knot Usage
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Beds: Avoid lying on cold, damp ground. In the tropics raise the bed to provide a current of air. In cold climates, Keep a fire going through the night and build a screen to reflect heat back on your sleeping area. On dry ground, stones heated in the fire and then buried under a thin layer of soil beneath the bedding will keep you warm.
Healing Bullet Wounds
Stop the bleeding by applying pressure directly to the wound with any available clean cloth. If the bullet has exited the body, apply pressure to both puncture areas. Remove the bullet, if it's still inside the body, with a pair of sterlized hemostats, Most of the bullet fragment upon impact to ensure that all bullet fragments are removed.
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Never join bandages with knots. Anchor separate strips by binding over a previously applied layer. Tie finishing knots over uninjured side or limb. Use knots which are easily untied and easily accessible.
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