Negotiating territory at night can be dangerous, but may be necessary. Because it is difficult to see clearly you are easily disorientated. It is always darker among trees, so keep to open country if you can. When looking at an object at night, look at one side rather than directly at it. It is hard to distinguish anything in a dark mass, but edges show clearly.
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The terrorists want to take away your freedoms. By following the simple steps in the image you can protect yourself and your family from the terrorist threat.
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SAS 133 - Rescue & Signalling
Rag Signals: Tie a flag or a piece of bright - coloured clothing to a pole. Move it left for dashes and right for dots. Exaggerate with a figure of eight movement.
Rag Signals: Tie a flag or a piece of bright - coloured clothing to a pole. Move it left for dashes and right for dots. Exaggerate with a figure of eight movement.
SAS 110 - Direction Finding
Plants can give an indication of north and south. They tend to grow towards the sun, so flowers and most abundant growth will be to the south in the northern hemisphere, to the north in the southern. Moss on tree trunks will be greener and more profuse on that side.
Plants can give an indication of north and south. They tend to grow towards the sun, so flowers and most abundant growth will be to the south in the northern hemisphere, to the north in the southern. Moss on tree trunks will be greener and more profuse on that side.
SAS 135 - Rescue & Signalling
Information Signals: If you abandon camp leave clear direction markers to indicate your route. Continue to make them, not only for people to follow but to establish your own route as a guide if you start going back on your trail
Information Signals: If you abandon camp leave clear direction markers to indicate your route. Continue to make them, not only for people to follow but to establish your own route as a guide if you start going back on your trail
SAS 140 - First Aid & Mouth to Mouth
Artificial Respiration: With any form of resucitation the first five minutes are the most critical, but if breathing does not start, keep artificial respiration up for at least an hour. In a group, take turns. Dont give up !
Artificial Respiration: With any form of resucitation the first five minutes are the most critical, but if breathing does not start, keep artificial respiration up for at least an hour. In a group, take turns. Dont give up !
SAS 028 - Food
Should stomach trouble occur, drink plenty of hot water; do not eat again until the pain goes. If it is severe, induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. Swallowing some charcoal will also induce vomiting and may absorb the poison at the same time.
Should stomach trouble occur, drink plenty of hot water; do not eat again until the pain goes. If it is severe, induce vomiting by tickling the back of the throat. Swallowing some charcoal will also induce vomiting and may absorb the poison at the same time.
SAS 081 - Fire
Tinder is any material that takes only a spar to ignite. Birch bark, dried grasses, wood shavings, bird down, waxed paper, cotton fluff, fir cones, pine needles, powdered dried fungi, scorched or charred cotton arc excellent tinder, as in the fine dust produced by wood burrowing insects and the inside of bird's nests.
Tinder is any material that takes only a spar to ignite. Birch bark, dried grasses, wood shavings, bird down, waxed paper, cotton fluff, fir cones, pine needles, powdered dried fungi, scorched or charred cotton arc excellent tinder, as in the fine dust produced by wood burrowing insects and the inside of bird's nests.
Nerve Points
The High Section of the Nerve points consists of the Jaw, the Front of Shoulder Muscle and the middle section contains the Biceps the Forearm Muscle and the Back of the hands. The image pictorially explains the Nerve points.
The High Section of the Nerve points consists of the Jaw, the Front of Shoulder Muscle and the middle section contains the Biceps the Forearm Muscle and the Back of the hands. The image pictorially explains the Nerve points.
SAS 148 - First Aid & Fractures
The types of fractures that may effect are Fracture of the Hip or Upper Leg, Fracture of the knee, Fracture of the lower leg, Fracture of the Ankle or foot, Fracture of the pelvis, Fracture of the Spine and the Fracture of the Skull.
The types of fractures that may effect are Fracture of the Hip or Upper Leg, Fracture of the knee, Fracture of the lower leg, Fracture of the Ankle or foot, Fracture of the pelvis, Fracture of the Spine and the Fracture of the Skull.
SAS 072 - Preparing Fish & Camping
All freshwater fish are palatable. Whenever the fish is gotten, cut it is throat to drain it, and evacuate gills. To gut it, opening from the butt-centric opening to the throat.
All freshwater fish are palatable. Whenever the fish is gotten, cut it is throat to drain it, and evacuate gills. To gut it, opening from the butt-centric opening to the throat.
SAS 065 - Handling the Kill
While tissue is still warm, uproot any fragrance organs. Evacuate testicles of guys. To evacuate conceal, slice through skin as indicated. Make ring adjust back legs unequivocally above knee. Cut adjust forelegs in same put.
While tissue is still warm, uproot any fragrance organs. Evacuate testicles of guys. To evacuate conceal, slice through skin as indicated. Make ring adjust back legs unequivocally above knee. Cut adjust forelegs in same put.
PS Family Disaster Plan (2)
To be on a safer side, keep enough supplies in your home to help for no less than several days. Amass a fiasco Supplies unit with things you might need in a clearing. Store the aforementioned supplies in inquiry, effortless to convey holders for instance rucksacks, duffel packs or secured waste compartments.
To be on a safer side, keep enough supplies in your home to help for no less than several days. Amass a fiasco Supplies unit with things you might need in a clearing. Store the aforementioned supplies in inquiry, effortless to convey holders for instance rucksacks, duffel packs or secured waste compartments.
Home Security Tips
Physical security is basically concerned with limiting physical access by unauthorized individuals (normally translated as interlopers) to regulated offices, granted that there are different contemplations and scenarios in which physical efforts to establish safety are valuable for instance, confining access within an office or to particular stakes, and natural controls to decrease physical occurr...
Physical security is basically concerned with limiting physical access by unauthorized individuals (normally translated as interlopers) to regulated offices, granted that there are different contemplations and scenarios in which physical efforts to establish safety are valuable for instance, confining access within an office or to particular stakes, and natural controls to decrease physical occurr...
SAS 104 - Knots
A secure knot, but will come untied with a single sharp tug on the live end. Recommended for temporarily anchoring lines. Carry a bight round a post or rail. ring a bight from the standing end through the firstbight. Form live end into a further bight and push doubled end through loop of second bight.
A secure knot, but will come untied with a single sharp tug on the live end. Recommended for temporarily anchoring lines. Carry a bight round a post or rail. ring a bight from the standing end through the firstbight. Form live end into a further bight and push doubled end through loop of second bight.
SAS 005 - Survival Kits & Knives
Items like Messtin, Pencil-Sized Torch, Marker Panel, Matches, Brew Kit, Food, Survival Bag makes a survival kit complete. Ideally all these items are mandatory to be on a safer side when a disaster takes place.
Items like Messtin, Pencil-Sized Torch, Marker Panel, Matches, Brew Kit, Food, Survival Bag makes a survival kit complete. Ideally all these items are mandatory to be on a safer side when a disaster takes place.
SAS 121 - Moving on Water
Crossing with Ropes: You need a loop of rope three times as long as the width of the stream and at least three people in the party- the fittest person crosses while two control the rope to keep it out of the water as much as possible, and stand by to haul the crosser to safety if difficulties are encountered.
Crossing with Ropes: You need a loop of rope three times as long as the width of the stream and at least three people in the party- the fittest person crosses while two control the rope to keep it out of the water as much as possible, and stand by to haul the crosser to safety if difficulties are encountered.
SAS 122 - Sea Survival & Abandoning Ships
Survival at Sea: Four-Fifths of the Earth's surface is open water - the most difficult environment in which to survive. Water and wind rapidly chill the body. Alone in cold water your chances are not good without equipment. If you know your location you may be able to predict where the currents will carry you.
Survival at Sea: Four-Fifths of the Earth's surface is open water - the most difficult environment in which to survive. Water and wind rapidly chill the body. Alone in cold water your chances are not good without equipment. If you know your location you may be able to predict where the currents will carry you.
PS Emergency Preparedness Checklist (2)
In a blaze or different crisis, you might should empty your house, pad or trailer on an instant's acknowledge. You ought to be available to get out snappy. Develop an escape plan by drawing a floor plan of your residence.
In a blaze or different crisis, you might should empty your house, pad or trailer on an instant's acknowledge. You ought to be available to get out snappy. Develop an escape plan by drawing a floor plan of your residence.
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