Using the stars in Direction Finding: The stars stay in the same relation to one another. Thier passage over the horizon starts 4 minutes earlier each night – a 2 hour difference over a mouth.
In the northern hemisphere groups of stars remain visible throughout the night, wheeling round the only star that does not seem to move.
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SAS 132 - Rescue & Signalling
Heliograph: Use the sun and a reflector to flash light signals. Any shiny object will do - polished tin, glass, a piece of foil - but a hand mirror is best. Long flashes are dashes and quick ones dots. If you do not know morse code, random flashes should attract attention.
Heliograph: Use the sun and a reflector to flash light signals. Any shiny object will do - polished tin, glass, a piece of foil - but a hand mirror is best. Long flashes are dashes and quick ones dots. If you do not know morse code, random flashes should attract attention.
SAS 057 - Animal Trapping
A fur trapper is an individual whose livelihood occupation includes the trapping of creatures for their hide. In the early days of the colonization settlement of North America, the changing of hides was normal between the settlers and the neighbourhood Indians. Countless areas at which exchanging occurred were pointed to as changing presents.
A fur trapper is an individual whose livelihood occupation includes the trapping of creatures for their hide. In the early days of the colonization settlement of North America, the changing of hides was normal between the settlers and the neighbourhood Indians. Countless areas at which exchanging occurred were pointed to as changing presents.
SAS 046 - Tropical & Seashore Plants
The accompanying seashore plants thrive in salty conditions, at the same time countless different palatable plants happen close to the coast. The Oraches tree, Sea Beet, Sea Rockets, Glassworts and the Scurvy grass.
The accompanying seashore plants thrive in salty conditions, at the same time countless different palatable plants happen close to the coast. The Oraches tree, Sea Beet, Sea Rockets, Glassworts and the Scurvy grass.
SAS 158 - Diseases & Natural Medicine
Natural medicine or Natural remedies can be used when medical supplies are exhausted, or to supplement your store. Urine can be used as an antiseptic to wash out wounds. Maggots will keep a wound open and clean until better treatment can be given.
Natural medicine or Natural remedies can be used when medical supplies are exhausted, or to supplement your store. Urine can be used as an antiseptic to wash out wounds. Maggots will keep a wound open and clean until better treatment can be given.
SAS 081 - Fire
Tinder is any material that takes only a spar to ignite. Birch bark, dried grasses, wood shavings, bird down, waxed paper, cotton fluff, fir cones, pine needles, powdered dried fungi, scorched or charred cotton arc excellent tinder, as in the fine dust produced by wood burrowing insects and the inside of bird's nests.
Tinder is any material that takes only a spar to ignite. Birch bark, dried grasses, wood shavings, bird down, waxed paper, cotton fluff, fir cones, pine needles, powdered dried fungi, scorched or charred cotton arc excellent tinder, as in the fine dust produced by wood burrowing insects and the inside of bird's nests.
SAS 088 - Useful Utensils
Some of the useful utensils that make the camp craft complete are the Pot ROd, Swinging pot holder, Variable pot hook, Cup, the Spoon, Birch Bark.
Some of the useful utensils that make the camp craft complete are the Pot ROd, Swinging pot holder, Variable pot hook, Cup, the Spoon, Birch Bark.
Survival Tips B
SAS 042 - Arctic & Desert Plants
Water is vital to desert survival. Learn water Bearing plants. Eat only if you have water. Some of the water filled edible plants are barrel cacti, Prickly pears. Cut away spines, peel and cook tender young pads. Roast seeds for flour. Tap stems for water. Beware very prickly.
Water is vital to desert survival. Learn water Bearing plants. Eat only if you have water. Some of the water filled edible plants are barrel cacti, Prickly pears. Cut away spines, peel and cook tender young pads. Roast seeds for flour. Tap stems for water. Beware very prickly.
SAS 005 - Survival Kits & Knives
Items like Messtin, Pencil-Sized Torch, Marker Panel, Matches, Brew Kit, Food, Survival Bag makes a survival kit complete. Ideally all these items are mandatory to be on a safer side when a disaster takes place.
Items like Messtin, Pencil-Sized Torch, Marker Panel, Matches, Brew Kit, Food, Survival Bag makes a survival kit complete. Ideally all these items are mandatory to be on a safer side when a disaster takes place.
SAS 011 - Water
Water can also be obtained from animal eyes which can be extracted by sucking them.All fish contain a drinkable fluid. Large fish, in particular, have a reservoir of fresh water along the spine. Tap it by gutting the fish and, keeping the fish flat, remove the backbone, being careful not to spill the liquid, and then drink it.
Water can also be obtained from animal eyes which can be extracted by sucking them.All fish contain a drinkable fluid. Large fish, in particular, have a reservoir of fresh water along the spine. Tap it by gutting the fish and, keeping the fish flat, remove the backbone, being careful not to spill the liquid, and then drink it.
SAS 009 - Water
Most essential thing during a fire disaster is Water. To find enough water, one can keep the mouth of the bag at the top with ta corner hanging low to collect water. Suspend tent from the apes or support with padded stick.
Most essential thing during a fire disaster is Water. To find enough water, one can keep the mouth of the bag at the top with ta corner hanging low to collect water. Suspend tent from the apes or support with padded stick.
SAS 174 - Disaster Strategy & Fire
Stay in a Vehicle: Do not try to drive through thick smoke. If caught in a fire in a vehicle, park in a clear area. Pull off the road, but do not risk getting bogged down. Turn on the headlights and stay inside the car. Wind windows tightly shut.
Stay in a Vehicle: Do not try to drive through thick smoke. If caught in a fire in a vehicle, park in a clear area. Pull off the road, but do not risk getting bogged down. Turn on the headlights and stay inside the car. Wind windows tightly shut.
SAS 022 - Islands
An island is any bit of sub-mainland land that is surrounded by water. Quite humble islands for example emanant land headlines on atolls might be called islets, skerries, cays or keys. An island in a waterway or an island in a pond may be called an eyot, or holm. An amassing of topographically or topographically identified islands is called an archipelago.
An island is any bit of sub-mainland land that is surrounded by water. Quite humble islands for example emanant land headlines on atolls might be called islets, skerries, cays or keys. An island in a waterway or an island in a pond may be called an eyot, or holm. An amassing of topographically or topographically identified islands is called an archipelago.
SAS 079 - Building Shelter
If you decide that there is no hope of rescue and it is impracticable to make your own way to safety due to distance, time of year, lack of equipment or physical condition, make a comfortable, permanent shelter.
If you decide that there is no hope of rescue and it is impracticable to make your own way to safety due to distance, time of year, lack of equipment or physical condition, make a comfortable, permanent shelter.
SAS 100 - Knots
Fisherman’s knot is the perfect hitch for uniting springy vines, wires, dangerous lines and gut throwing a baited hook out there line. Particularly secure but difficult to untie. Not prescribed for cumbersome ropes or nylon line. Twofold angler's stronger adaptation of the above. don't utilize for nylon casting a line out there lines, nylon ropes, or massive ropes.
Fisherman’s knot is the perfect hitch for uniting springy vines, wires, dangerous lines and gut throwing a baited hook out there line. Particularly secure but difficult to untie. Not prescribed for cumbersome ropes or nylon line. Twofold angler's stronger adaptation of the above. don't utilize for nylon casting a line out there lines, nylon ropes, or massive ropes.
SAS 033 - Edible Plants
Roots are starchiest between autumn and spring. All roots should be thoroughly cooked. Scrub in clean water, boil until soft, then roast on hot stones in embers. To cook more rapidly, cut into cubes. Use a sharpened stick to test if they are done.
Roots are starchiest between autumn and spring. All roots should be thoroughly cooked. Scrub in clean water, boil until soft, then roast on hot stones in embers. To cook more rapidly, cut into cubes. Use a sharpened stick to test if they are done.
SAS 139 - First Aid & Choking
To prevent Asphyxiation, Pressure on chest can cause asphyxiation. In an avalanche or landslide, crouch with arms bent and elbows tucked well in to protect the chest. A climber who slips and is suspended by a rope round his chest will find it hard to breathe.
To prevent Asphyxiation, Pressure on chest can cause asphyxiation. In an avalanche or landslide, crouch with arms bent and elbows tucked well in to protect the chest. A climber who slips and is suspended by a rope round his chest will find it hard to breathe.
Knot Usage
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