SAS 109 – Direction Finding

Direction by Watch: a traditional analogue watch with two hands can tell direction, provided it is set to true local time. The nearer the Equator you are, the less accurate this method is.

SAS 109 - Direction Finding

SAS 109 – Direction Finding

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Siting the signals: Take account of the terrain. Choose high points for light signals. Erect an unusual silhouette or a ridge to attract attention. Planes fly over hilly territory from the lower to the higher ridges, so slopes behind ridges may be hidden as the plan approaches. Signals near tops of ridges should be seen from any direction.
SAS 142 - First Aid & CPR
For Infants and Children, Use less pressure and more compressions. For a baby or toddler, light pressure with two fingers is enough at 100 compressions per minute. Depress chest only 2.5 cm. Give 5 compressions to one lung inflation.
SAS 151 - First Aid & Moving the Injured
Moving the Injured : Loading a Stretcher. A patient on a blanket can be lifted using the blanket. Other methods of lifting depend on the number of helpers. Agree signals for synchronised movements.
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Transport has an important role to play in disaster strategy. Make sure you know how to get the best use out of your vehicle in any situation. If you are trapped in a blizzard, stay in the car. If you are on a regular traffic route you will probably soon be rescued. Going for help could be too risky.
SAS 079 - Building Shelter
If you decide that there is no hope of rescue and it is impracticable to make your own way to safety due to distance, time of year, lack of equipment or physical condition, make a comfortable, permanent shelter.
SAS 016 - Hunting
While Hunting and trapping, Tracks in snow are easy to follow, but leave a trail of bright flags to guide you back to base. Make them high enough not to be covered by a fresh snowfall.Bleed, gut and skin while careass is warm. Roll hides before they freeze.Frostible hypothermia and snow blindness are the main hazards. 
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Sale is another essential for human survival. A normal diet includes a daily intake of 10g. The temperature climates cover much of the globe, and offer the best chances for survival without special skills or knowledge. 
SAS 021 - Food & Food Dangers
Some of the dangers in the water could be:Beware in water too murky to see through. Well-camouflaged creatures like stingmys can lie hidden. Dont't put your hands into underwater crevices. Always approach a coral reef with caution. Lagoon fish are poisonous. 
SAS 045 - Tropical Plants
Some of the most useful edible plants are Water spinach, Lotus, Water Lily, Wild Yam, Wild rice, Sugarcane, Millets, Bamboo. One can recognise the relations of cultivated varieties such as avocado and citrus fruits. Always apply edibility test to unknown plants, using very small amounts. 
SAS 067 - Fishing
Fish contain protein, vitamins and fats. They differ widely in size, eating habits and diet, but all can be attracted and caught with appropriate bait. Angling is not the most effective method of catching fish-the night line and gill net will give better results.
SAS 075 - Building Shelter
The snappiest sort to erect has several or more plots underpin posts, tied where they cross to make a cone. They might be tied on the ground and lifted into spot before blanket with stows away, birch bark, or sheeting. 
SAS 070 - Fishing
Huge fish might be gotten in a noose line settled to the finish of a post, or passed down within a length of bamboo. Pass circle over fish from tail close and force up sharply so that the noose traps fish. 
SAS 148 - First Aid & Fractures
The types of fractures that may effect are Fracture of the Hip or Upper Leg, Fracture of the knee, Fracture of the lower leg, Fracture of the Ankle or foot, Fracture of the pelvis, Fracture of the Spine and the Fracture of the Skull.
SAS 085 - Fire
Firelighting with Chemicals: The mixture containing Potassium Chlorate and sugar, Potassium permanganate and sugar and sodum chlorate and sugar are the perfect mixtures for the Camp Craft.
SAS 072 - Preparing Fish & Camping
All freshwater fish are palatable. Whenever the fish is gotten, cut it is throat to drain it, and evacuate gills. To gut it, opening from the butt-centric opening to the throat. 
PS Emergency Preparedness Checklist (3)
Get ready amaze arrangements prepared that incorporates Normal Exit track, Emergency passageway tracks, Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Detectors, Disaster supplies assortment, Doors, Collapsible Ladder and all crisis things in the Floor arrangements. 
SAS 111 - Direction Finding
Using the stars in Direction Finding: The stars stay in the same relation to one another. Thier passage over the horizon starts 4 minutes earlier each night - a 2 hour difference over a mouth. In the northern hemisphere groups of stars remain visible throughout the night, wheeling round the only star that does not seem to move.
SAS 030 - Edible Plants
In Spring and summer yound shoots are tender. Some may be eaten raw; many are best cooked; wash in clean water, rub off hairs and boil in a little water so they cook in the steam. Leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals.