SAS 101 – Knots

Triple Bowline: A bowline made with a twofold line. Structure a circle, pass copied exist close through circle, betraying standing part and trust through circle. This produces 3 circles which could be utilized for supplies haulage, or as asit-sling or lifting saddle with one circle adjust every thigh and the different adjust the midsection. 

SAS 101 - Knots

SAS 101 – Knots

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PS Family Supply Kit (4)
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PS Family Disaster Plan (4)
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Sharp recognition and an information of creatures make it more effortless to find prey and to exploit terrain. Move Quietly. Move sluggishly promotion stop customarily. To dodge stumbles and decrease commotion, convey your weight on the back foot, testing the afterward step wiht the toes before exchanging your weight. Chase in opposition to the wind. 
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SAS 095 - Camp Tools & Beds
Beds: Avoid lying on cold, damp ground. In the tropics raise the bed to provide a current of air. In cold climates, Keep a fire going through the night and build a screen to reflect heat back on your sleeping area. On dry ground, stones heated in the fire and then buried under a thin layer of soil beneath the bedding will keep you warm.
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Water can also be obtained from animal eyes which can be extracted by sucking them.All fish contain a drinkable fluid. Large fish, in particular, have a reservoir of fresh water along the spine. Tap it by gutting the fish and, keeping the fish flat, remove the backbone, being careful not to spill the liquid, and then drink it. 
SAS 102 - Knots
Tie the same number stepping stools as manharness hitches in a rope as you need hand and toeholds. An arrangement of overhand hitches tied at interims in a smooth rope will make climbing it much less demanding. 
PS Family Supply Kit (2)
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Protection against Sharks: If you have shark repellent, follow the manufacturer's instructions. It may not befully effective, but even so use only if the situation is very grave. Repellent soon dissipates in the water and becomes ineffective.