SAS 098 – Ropes & Knots

It is important to select the right know for the task in hand. You never know when you may need to tie a knot, so learn their uses and how to tie – and untie each one.

SAS 098 - Ropes & Knots

SAS 098 – Ropes & Knots

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Fish contain protein, vitamins and fats. They differ widely in size, eating habits and diet, but all can be attracted and caught with appropriate bait. Angling is not the most effective method of catching fish-the night line and gill net will give better results.
Neck Punch
A strong tip is to punch them on the Neck when they aren't looking at you.
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Flinging yourself from a moving auto ought to be a final resort, for instance if your brakes are flawed and your auto is going to take off a bluff or into an entourage. Apply the crisis brake. This should not stop the auto, at the same time it may back it off enough to make bouncing safer. 
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Heimlich Manqeuvre: Stand behind a cognizant setback, arms around them. Make a clench hand of one hand and press it thumb inwards above navel but beneath breastbone. Catch different hand adjust the clench hand. Pull sharply upwards and inwards four times. 
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Direction Finding: The sun rises the eas and sets in the west, roughly speaking. In the northern hemisphere, at noon, the sun will be due south; in the southern hemisphere it will be due north. The hemisphere is indicated by the way shadows move: clockwise in the north, anti-clockwise in the south.
SAS 087 - Fire
Cooking in clay: This requires o utensils. Wrap food in a ball of clay and place in the embers. Heat radiates through the clay, which protects against food scorching. Animals must be cleaned and gutted first but need to be otherwise prepared.
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Information Signals: If you abandon camp leave clear direction markers to indicate your route. Continue to make them, not only for people to follow but to establish your own route as a guide if you start going back on your trail
PS Emergency Preparedness Checklist (1)
Whenever fiasco strikes, you should not have much chance to act. Plan now for a sudden crisis. Memorize how to ensure your self and adapt to any sort of debacle by arranging ahead. 
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Some of the dangerous water creatures are Electric eel, Piranha, Stingray, Rabbitfish, Tang toadfish, Scorpionfish, stonefish.
SAS 180 - Disaster Strategy, Hurricane, Tornado & Lightning
Tornado Precautions: Take shelter in the most solid structure available ideally in a storm cellar or cave. In a cellar stay close to an outside wall, or in a specially reinforced section. If there is no basement, go to the centre of the lowest floor, into a small room or shelter under study furniture.
SAS 168 - Poisonous Snakes & Lizards
Crocodiles and alligators are amphibious, livingo n the banks of lakes, streams and swamps. Not all species are considered dangerous, but do not take chances. Most float almost submerged with only eyes and nostrils breaking the surface of the water.
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A healthy body can survive on reserves stored in its tissues, but food is needed to supply heat and energy, and to recover after hard work, injury or sickness. Seventy calories per hour are required just for breathing and basic bodily functions. 
SAS 072 - Preparing Fish & Camping
All freshwater fish are palatable. Whenever the fish is gotten, cut it is throat to drain it, and evacuate gills. To gut it, opening from the butt-centric opening to the throat. 
Fallout Shelter (2)
Around an atomic eruption, matter vaporized in the coming about fireball is laid open to neutrons from the outburst, osmoses them, and ends up being radioactive. When this material gathers in the downpour, it shapes clean and light sandy materials that takes after ground pumice. The aftermath emanates alpha and beta particles, and in addition gamma flashes.
SAS 084 - Fire
Gouge a small depression at a near end of baseboard. Cut a cavity below for tiner. Shape the spindle evenly. Make a bow from a pliable shoot and hide, twine or a bootlace. Use hollow piece of stone wood to steady top of the spindle and exert downloard pressure. Wind bowstring once round spindle.
Surviving Hostage Situation
Who needs to hold up till they catch Hands Up ! To resolve how to survive a prisoner scenario ? Straight Bolz, who independently arranged the discharge of more than 800 prisoners as head of New York Police Dept prisoner arrangement group, discloses the 12 steps to getting out in one piece.