SAS 079 – Building Shelter

If you decide that there is no hope of rescue and it is impracticable to make your own way to safety due to distance, time of year, lack of equipment or physical condition, make a comfortable, permanent shelter.

SAS 079 - Building Shelter

SAS 079 – Building Shelter

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Protection against Sharks: If you have shark repellent, follow the manufacturer's instructions. It may not befully effective, but even so use only if the situation is very grave. Repellent soon dissipates in the water and becomes ineffective.
SAS 159 - Natural Medicine
Expressed Juice: Reduce stem and leaves to delicious mush by squashing with hands, shakes or stays. Press squeeze just into a wound and spread mash around spoiled zone. Keep in spot with imposing leaf and tie.  
SAS 012 - Climate & Terrain
Sale is another essential for human survival. A normal diet includes a daily intake of 10g. The temperature climates cover much of the globe, and offer the best chances for survival without special skills or knowledge. 
SAS 042 - Arctic & Desert Plants
Water is vital to desert survival. Learn water Bearing plants. Eat only  if you have water. Some of the water filled edible plants are barrel cacti, Prickly pears. Cut away spines, peel and cook tender young pads. Roast seeds for flour. Tap stems for water. Beware very prickly. 
SAS 094 - Camp Tools
Tree Felling: Check overhead for dead branches and hornets nests. Clear Creepers and branches which could deflect blows. Cut branches off from the outside of the join. Cut from both sides of the tree, first chopping out notch at an angle of 45 and another on the opposite side ata lower level on the side to which you want to tree to fall.
SAS 062 - Hunting
A sling is a simple leather pouch in the middle of a length of thong or rope. Attach pouch as one piece threaded through, or two tied or sewn on. To Catapult, take a strong, pliable forked twig, and a piece of elastic material. Thread or swe a puch into the centre of the elastic, tie ends to each side of fork. Use a stones as missiles.
SAS 177 - Disaster Strategy & Flood
Flash Floods: In a sudden heavy rainfall, keep out of valley bottoms and stream beds both during and after rainfall. You dont have to be at the bottom of a hill to be caught by water rushing down it carrying mud and debris.
SAS 112 - Direction Finding & Weather
Weather is much more localised than climate and there can be marked variations between one small area and the next. A regular pattern of day-night change in wind direction suggests a large body of water - whether an ocean, inland sea or a lake - in the direction from which the day wind blows.
SAS 029 - Food
Gathering plants is one of the tedious tasks to identify place for food. Gather plants systematically. Take a container on foraging trips to stp the harvest being crushed, which makes it go off. 
Some of the Health Hazards that needs to be followed are by placing the signs of Normal Material, Slightly Hazardous material, Extreme danger. Also Fire Hazards, Specific Hazards like oxidizer, acid, Alkali and Inseparability Hazards also plays a key role. 
Water Filter
Following the pictorial instructions carefully would reveal how to make a good water filter.
SAS 077 - Building Shelter
Atap and other large leaves when thatched make the best roofs and walls for jungle shelters. Look for any plant similarly structured, the bigger and broader the better. Closely layer halves of atap on a roof frame. Walls can be less dense.
SAS 124 - Sea Survival
Survival Afloat: Rafts, boats and dinghies are built to carry a limited number. These numbers should not be exceeded. Place infants and the infirm aboard, and as many able-boclied as can be accomodated. The rest must hang on in the water, frequently swopping places with fit survivors in the raft.
SAS 027 - Food Values
A healthy body can survive on reserves stored in its tissues, but food is needed to supply heat and energy, and to recover after hard work, injury or sickness. Seventy calories per hour are required just for breathing and basic bodily functions. 
SAS 176 - Disaster Strategy, Fire & Flood
Aeroplanes are equipped with automatic extinguishers for engine fires and hand held extinguishers in the cabin. Action should be taken immediately. On civil airlines summon a flight attendant immediately you suspect fire - the staff know where equipment is and how to use it.
SAS 017 - Judging Terrain
As you descend a terrain, it is difficult to see what is below. Try moving along a spur to see what is below. That far side of a valley will give you an idea of what's on your side. The ground can fall steeply between a distant slope and a foreground bluff. 
SAS 158 - Diseases & Natural Medicine
Natural medicine or Natural remedies can be used when medical supplies are exhausted, or to supplement your store. Urine can be used as an antiseptic to wash out wounds. Maggots will keep a wound open and clean until better treatment can be given.
SAS 093 - Camp Tools
Camp tools that are used in the camp craft are the Stone Tools, BOne tools, the axes.