A shelter is more agreeable in the event that it is sufficiently high to sit in, so grow it is stature by manufacturing a level divider of stones adjust your empty. Caulk between the stones with turf and foliage jumbled with mud.
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SAS 020 - Swimming & Food
When fishing or swimming stay within your depth and watch for large waves which can knock you off your feet. If caught in undertow of a large wave, push off thebottom and swim to the surface.
When fishing or swimming stay within your depth and watch for large waves which can knock you off your feet. If caught in undertow of a large wave, push off thebottom and swim to the surface.
SAS 037 - Edible Plants
Not all parts of the trees are edible. The outer bark is inedible, but the thin inner bark of certain trees can be eaten in Spring, when sap has started to flow. Peel back bark near bottom of tree or form exposed roots to reveal inner layer. Can be eaten raw, but boiling will reduce to gelatinous mass which can be roasted and ground for use as flour. Some of the poisonous trees contain irritant ...
Not all parts of the trees are edible. The outer bark is inedible, but the thin inner bark of certain trees can be eaten in Spring, when sap has started to flow. Peel back bark near bottom of tree or form exposed roots to reveal inner layer. Can be eaten raw, but boiling will reduce to gelatinous mass which can be roasted and ground for use as flour. Some of the poisonous trees contain irritant ...
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SAS 124 - Sea Survival
Survival Afloat: Rafts, boats and dinghies are built to carry a limited number. These numbers should not be exceeded. Place infants and the infirm aboard, and as many able-boclied as can be accomodated. The rest must hang on in the water, frequently swopping places with fit survivors in the raft.
Survival Afloat: Rafts, boats and dinghies are built to carry a limited number. These numbers should not be exceeded. Place infants and the infirm aboard, and as many able-boclied as can be accomodated. The rest must hang on in the water, frequently swopping places with fit survivors in the raft.
SAS 016 - Hunting
While Hunting and trapping, Tracks in snow are easy to follow, but leave a trail of bright flags to guide you back to base. Make them high enough not to be covered by a fresh snowfall.Bleed, gut and skin while careass is warm. Roll hides before they freeze.Frostible hypothermia and snow blindness are the main hazards.
While Hunting and trapping, Tracks in snow are easy to follow, but leave a trail of bright flags to guide you back to base. Make them high enough not to be covered by a fresh snowfall.Bleed, gut and skin while careass is warm. Roll hides before they freeze.Frostible hypothermia and snow blindness are the main hazards.
PS Family Disaster Plan (6)
Learn the types of natural disasters in your region. Local Emergency management or civil denense officials can identify which disasters are most liekly to hit your community.Identify which human-caused or technological disasters can affect your region
Learn the types of natural disasters in your region. Local Emergency management or civil denense officials can identify which disasters are most liekly to hit your community.Identify which human-caused or technological disasters can affect your region
SAS 090 - Preserving Food
If food is not plentiful or is limited by season, ensure that stores keep safely. Do not store food in direct sunlight, near excessive warmth or moisture, nor where scavengers may ruin it.
If food is not plentiful or is limited by season, ensure that stores keep safely. Do not store food in direct sunlight, near excessive warmth or moisture, nor where scavengers may ruin it.
SAS 134 - Rescue & Hand Signalling
Some of the codes that are used in the mountain rescues are: Message: SOS, Message: HELP NEEDED, MESSAGE: MESSAGE UNDERSTOOD, MESSAGE: RETURN TO BASE
Some of the codes that are used in the mountain rescues are: Message: SOS, Message: HELP NEEDED, MESSAGE: MESSAGE UNDERSTOOD, MESSAGE: RETURN TO BASE
SAS 108 - Map Reading & Direction Finding
Direction Finding: The sun rises the eas and sets in the west, roughly speaking. In the northern hemisphere, at noon, the sun will be due south; in the southern hemisphere it will be due north. The hemisphere is indicated by the way shadows move: clockwise in the north, anti-clockwise in the south.
Direction Finding: The sun rises the eas and sets in the west, roughly speaking. In the northern hemisphere, at noon, the sun will be due south; in the southern hemisphere it will be due north. The hemisphere is indicated by the way shadows move: clockwise in the north, anti-clockwise in the south.
SAS 068 - Fishing
Using the floats and weights in hunting is very important. A small floating object attached to the line, visible from the bank, will show you when you have a bit. Small weights between float and hook stop the line trailing along the water or too near the surface, while leaving the hook itself in movement.
Using the floats and weights in hunting is very important. A small floating object attached to the line, visible from the bank, will show you when you have a bit. Small weights between float and hook stop the line trailing along the water or too near the surface, while leaving the hook itself in movement.
SAS 044 - Tropical Plants
Always do not pick more than you need the edible plants. Food deteriorates rapidly in the tropics. Edible plants like Bignay, Mango, Sweet sop, Sour sop, Wild Fig, Ceylon Spinach, Tamarind Peanut and the Yam Beans are the most powerful edible plants.
Always do not pick more than you need the edible plants. Food deteriorates rapidly in the tropics. Edible plants like Bignay, Mango, Sweet sop, Sour sop, Wild Fig, Ceylon Spinach, Tamarind Peanut and the Yam Beans are the most powerful edible plants.
SAS 085 - Fire
Firelighting with Chemicals: The mixture containing Potassium Chlorate and sugar, Potassium permanganate and sugar and sodum chlorate and sugar are the perfect mixtures for the Camp Craft.
Firelighting with Chemicals: The mixture containing Potassium Chlorate and sugar, Potassium permanganate and sugar and sodum chlorate and sugar are the perfect mixtures for the Camp Craft.
Survival Tips B
SAS 036 - Edible Plants
Some poisonous plants are easy to mistake for edible species. Do not take risks: identify carefully. Learn to recognise the following in addition to those illustrated: The ButterCups, Lupins, Vetches or Locoweeds, False Helleborines, Henbane, Virginia Creeper, BUckthorns.
Some poisonous plants are easy to mistake for edible species. Do not take risks: identify carefully. Learn to recognise the following in addition to those illustrated: The ButterCups, Lupins, Vetches or Locoweeds, False Helleborines, Henbane, Virginia Creeper, BUckthorns.
SAS 003 - Survival Kit
Make sure you prepare a checklist that contains Equipments for Clothes, Sleeping Bags, Backpack, Stowing Kit, Radio kit and everything pertaining to Vehicles.
Make sure you prepare a checklist that contains Equipments for Clothes, Sleeping Bags, Backpack, Stowing Kit, Radio kit and everything pertaining to Vehicles.
NFPA Rating Guide
The NFPA rating Explanation guide refers to the Ratings about the Health Hazards, Flammability Hazards, Instability Hazards, Rating Symbols and the Special Hazards.
The NFPA rating Explanation guide refers to the Ratings about the Health Hazards, Flammability Hazards, Instability Hazards, Rating Symbols and the Special Hazards.
SAS 180 - Disaster Strategy, Hurricane, Tornado & Lightning
Tornado Precautions: Take shelter in the most solid structure available ideally in a storm cellar or cave. In a cellar stay close to an outside wall, or in a specially reinforced section. If there is no basement, go to the centre of the lowest floor, into a small room or shelter under study furniture.
Tornado Precautions: Take shelter in the most solid structure available ideally in a storm cellar or cave. In a cellar stay close to an outside wall, or in a specially reinforced section. If there is no basement, go to the centre of the lowest floor, into a small room or shelter under study furniture.
SAS 070 - Fishing
Huge fish might be gotten in a noose line settled to the finish of a post, or passed down within a length of bamboo. Pass circle over fish from tail close and force up sharply so that the noose traps fish.
Huge fish might be gotten in a noose line settled to the finish of a post, or passed down within a length of bamboo. Pass circle over fish from tail close and force up sharply so that the noose traps fish.
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