SAS 030 – Edible Plants

In Spring and summer yound shoots are tender. Some may be eaten raw; many are best cooked; wash in clean water, rub off hairs and boil in a little water so they cook in the steam. Leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals. 

SAS 030 - Edible Plants

SAS 030 – Edible Plants

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A sling is a simple leather pouch in the middle of a length of thong or rope. Attach pouch as one piece threaded through, or two tied or sewn on. To Catapult, take a strong, pliable forked twig, and a piece of elastic material. Thread or swe a puch into the centre of the elastic, tie ends to each side of fork. Use a stones as missiles.
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Never join bandages with knots. Anchor separate strips by binding over a previously applied layer. Tie finishing knots over uninjured side or limb. Use knots which are easily untied and easily accessible.
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While Hunting and trapping, Tracks in snow are easy to follow, but leave a trail of bright flags to guide you back to base. Make them high enough not to be covered by a fresh snowfall.Bleed, gut and skin while careass is warm. Roll hides before they freeze.Frostible hypothermia and snow blindness are the main hazards. 
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A secure knot, but will come untied with a single sharp tug on the live end. Recommended for temporarily anchoring lines. Carry a bight round a post or rail. ring a bight from the standing end through the firstbight. Form live end into a further bight and push doubled end through loop of second bight.
Survival Tips B
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SAS 170 - Dangerous Water Creatures
Protection against Sharks: If you have shark repellent, follow the manufacturer's instructions. It may not befully effective, but even so use only if the situation is very grave. Repellent soon dissipates in the water and becomes ineffective.