First of all, find out which disaster are most likely to happen in your community. Ask how you would be warned. Find out how to prepare for each. Meet with the family ad discuss the type of disasters that could happen.
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SAS 114 - Reading Weather with Clouds
There are different types of clouds that needs to be read to read the signs. They are Cirrus Clouds, Cirrostratus clouds, Altostratus clouds, Nimbostratus clouds, Stratocumulus clouds, Stratus clouds.
There are different types of clouds that needs to be read to read the signs. They are Cirrus Clouds, Cirrostratus clouds, Altostratus clouds, Nimbostratus clouds, Stratocumulus clouds, Stratus clouds.
SAS 123 - Sea Survival
Swim slowly and steadily. If abandoning a sinking boat or aircraft get upwind and stay clear of it. Keep away from any fuel slick. If forced to swim through flames, jump in feet first and up wind. Swim into the wind using breast stroke. Splash flames away from head to make breathing holes.
Swim slowly and steadily. If abandoning a sinking boat or aircraft get upwind and stay clear of it. Keep away from any fuel slick. If forced to swim through flames, jump in feet first and up wind. Swim into the wind using breast stroke. Splash flames away from head to make breathing holes.
SAS 162 - Medicinal Plants
Intestinal problems can be permanently eradicated by Mountain avens, Balm, Water mint, Elm, Cleavers, Agrimony, Lesser celandine and solomon's seal.
Intestinal problems can be permanently eradicated by Mountain avens, Balm, Water mint, Elm, Cleavers, Agrimony, Lesser celandine and solomon's seal.
SAS 142 - First Aid & CPR
For Infants and Children, Use less pressure and more compressions. For a baby or toddler, light pressure with two fingers is enough at 100 compressions per minute. Depress chest only 2.5 cm. Give 5 compressions to one lung inflation.
For Infants and Children, Use less pressure and more compressions. For a baby or toddler, light pressure with two fingers is enough at 100 compressions per minute. Depress chest only 2.5 cm. Give 5 compressions to one lung inflation.
SAS 041 - Fungi & Arctic Plants
In addition to the hardy arctic plants, many temperate species occur in summer in the far north. Some of the Arctic northern plants are Red Spruce, Black Spruce, Labrador Tea, Arctic Willow and the Ferns.
In addition to the hardy arctic plants, many temperate species occur in summer in the far north. Some of the Arctic northern plants are Red Spruce, Black Spruce, Labrador Tea, Arctic Willow and the Ferns.
How To Survive A Terrorist Attack
The terrorists want to take away your freedoms. By following the simple steps in the image you can protect yourself and your family from the terrorist threat.
The terrorists want to take away your freedoms. By following the simple steps in the image you can protect yourself and your family from the terrorist threat.
SAS 133 - Rescue & Signalling
Rag Signals: Tie a flag or a piece of bright - coloured clothing to a pole. Move it left for dashes and right for dots. Exaggerate with a figure of eight movement.
Rag Signals: Tie a flag or a piece of bright - coloured clothing to a pole. Move it left for dashes and right for dots. Exaggerate with a figure of eight movement.
SAS 043 - Desert & Tropical Plants
Growing tip, enclosed by crown of leaves or bases of leaf stems, is edible in most palms - eat if not too bitter. Avoid fruit unless positively identified.
Growing tip, enclosed by crown of leaves or bases of leaf stems, is edible in most palms - eat if not too bitter. Avoid fruit unless positively identified.
Fallout Shelter (2)
Around an atomic eruption, matter vaporized in the coming about fireball is laid open to neutrons from the outburst, osmoses them, and ends up being radioactive. When this material gathers in the downpour, it shapes clean and light sandy materials that takes after ground pumice. The aftermath emanates alpha and beta particles, and in addition gamma flashes.
Around an atomic eruption, matter vaporized in the coming about fireball is laid open to neutrons from the outburst, osmoses them, and ends up being radioactive. When this material gathers in the downpour, it shapes clean and light sandy materials that takes after ground pumice. The aftermath emanates alpha and beta particles, and in addition gamma flashes.
SAS 167 - Poisonous Snakes
Survival from the deadliest snakes like Cobra, Mamba, Boomslang, Krait, Death Adder, Australian black snake, Eastern brown snake, Tiger snake are very difficult indeed.
Survival from the deadliest snakes like Cobra, Mamba, Boomslang, Krait, Death Adder, Australian black snake, Eastern brown snake, Tiger snake are very difficult indeed.
SAS 117 - Moving
Always move in formation. This will make it easy to check that no stragglers have been left behind. Have a briefing before setting out to discuss the route and to designate rallying points at which to regroup.
Always move in formation. This will make it easy to check that no stragglers have been left behind. Have a briefing before setting out to discuss the route and to designate rallying points at which to regroup.
SAS 180 - Disaster Strategy, Hurricane, Tornado & Lightning
Tornado Precautions: Take shelter in the most solid structure available ideally in a storm cellar or cave. In a cellar stay close to an outside wall, or in a specially reinforced section. If there is no basement, go to the centre of the lowest floor, into a small room or shelter under study furniture.
Tornado Precautions: Take shelter in the most solid structure available ideally in a storm cellar or cave. In a cellar stay close to an outside wall, or in a specially reinforced section. If there is no basement, go to the centre of the lowest floor, into a small room or shelter under study furniture.
SAS 132 - Rescue & Signalling
Heliograph: Use the sun and a reflector to flash light signals. Any shiny object will do - polished tin, glass, a piece of foil - but a hand mirror is best. Long flashes are dashes and quick ones dots. If you do not know morse code, random flashes should attract attention.
Heliograph: Use the sun and a reflector to flash light signals. Any shiny object will do - polished tin, glass, a piece of foil - but a hand mirror is best. Long flashes are dashes and quick ones dots. If you do not know morse code, random flashes should attract attention.
SAS 149 - First Aid, Fractures & Shock
During the severe bleeding, loss of body fluids from severe burns or prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea commonly lead to shock. Other causes are electrocution and heart attack.
During the severe bleeding, loss of body fluids from severe burns or prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea commonly lead to shock. Other causes are electrocution and heart attack.
Surviving a Thunderstorm
To survive from a thunderstorm, do not take cover under the tree's or any other wooden structure. If struck by lightning, they will effectively explode and you will be trapped under a fiery tree of death. On top of that, you will probably have quite a few big splinters.
To survive from a thunderstorm, do not take cover under the tree's or any other wooden structure. If struck by lightning, they will effectively explode and you will be trapped under a fiery tree of death. On top of that, you will probably have quite a few big splinters.
SAS 164 - Bites & Stings
The Bites and Strings creatures are not a major problem but should be treated with respect. The image in the post describes various curing options for most of the animals and insects.
The Bites and Strings creatures are not a major problem but should be treated with respect. The image in the post describes various curing options for most of the animals and insects.
SAS 047 - Seaweed & Animal Tracking
Seaweeds occur anchored tot bottom in shallow waters, or floating on open sea. Coastal weeds are often stratified: green forms grow in surface waters, red in shallow water, brown a little deeper. Wash seaweeds in freshwater before eating, to remove salt. If you can read the subtle signs that animals leave, you will know what hunting/trapping methods to use. Only large, powerful mammals ventur...
Seaweeds occur anchored tot bottom in shallow waters, or floating on open sea. Coastal weeds are often stratified: green forms grow in surface waters, red in shallow water, brown a little deeper. Wash seaweeds in freshwater before eating, to remove salt. If you can read the subtle signs that animals leave, you will know what hunting/trapping methods to use. Only large, powerful mammals ventur...
SAS 014 - Clothing & Shelter
Severe biting stops uncovered substance in moments. Blanket each part of the figure. External Garments ought to be windproof, at the same time not waterproof. Get out of the wind ! Search for typical haven to upgrade, at the same time evade destinations where a snowdrift, torrential slide or shake fall may cover you.
Severe biting stops uncovered substance in moments. Blanket each part of the figure. External Garments ought to be windproof, at the same time not waterproof. Get out of the wind ! Search for typical haven to upgrade, at the same time evade destinations where a snowdrift, torrential slide or shake fall may cover you.
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