Survival DIY Archive

Survival Afloat: Rafts, boats and dinghies are built to carry a limited number. These numbers should not be exceeded. Place infants and the infirm aboard, and as many able-boclied as […]

SAS 124 – Sea Survival

Survival Afloat: Rafts, boats and dinghies are built to carry a limited number. These numbers should not be exceeded. Place infants and the infirm aboard, and as many able-boclied as […]

Swim slowly and steadily. If abandoning a sinking boat or aircraft get upwind and stay clear of it. Keep away from any fuel slick. If forced to swim through flames, […]

SAS 123 – Sea Survival

Swim slowly and steadily. If abandoning a sinking boat or aircraft get upwind and stay clear of it. Keep away from any fuel slick. If forced to swim through flames, […]

Survival at Sea: Four-Fifths of the Earth’s surface is open water – the most difficult environment in which to survive. Water and wind rapidly chill the body. Alone in cold […]

SAS 122 – Sea Survival & Abandoning Ships

Survival at Sea: Four-Fifths of the Earth’s surface is open water – the most difficult environment in which to survive. Water and wind rapidly chill the body. Alone in cold […]

Crossing with Ropes: You need a loop of rope three times as long as the width of the stream and at least three people in the party- the fittest person […]

SAS 121 – Moving on Water

Crossing with Ropes: You need a loop of rope three times as long as the width of the stream and at least three people in the party- the fittest person […]

Moving on the waterways needs to be done very carefully. A large group will need several rafts. The first should carry no equipment or provisions, just the fittest group members […]

SAS 120 – Moving on Waterways

Moving on the waterways needs to be done very carefully. A large group will need several rafts. The first should carry no equipment or provisions, just the fittest group members […]

Negotiating territory at night can be dangerous, but may be necessary. Because it is difficult to see clearly you are easily disorientated. It is always darker among trees, so keep […]

SAS 118 – Moving

Negotiating territory at night can be dangerous, but may be necessary. Because it is difficult to see clearly you are easily disorientated. It is always darker among trees, so keep […]

To make a sledge that is ideal for snow and ice, use doors and cowlings from a crashed vehicle or plane in construction. Tie lines to front runners with a […]

SAS 116 – Moving

To make a sledge that is ideal for snow and ice, use doors and cowlings from a crashed vehicle or plane in construction. Tie lines to front runners with a […]

To be caught in bad weather could prove fatal. Before setting out, take note of the weather. Observe wind and pressure changes. Keep a record of the weather, the conditions […]

SAS 115 – Reading Weather & Deciding to Move

To be caught in bad weather could prove fatal. Before setting out, take note of the weather. Observe wind and pressure changes. Keep a record of the weather, the conditions […]

There are different types of clouds that needs to be read to read the signs. They are Cirrus Clouds, Cirrostratus clouds, Altostratus clouds, Nimbostratus clouds, Stratocumulus clouds, Stratus clouds.

SAS 114 – Reading Weather with Clouds

There are different types of clouds that needs to be read to read the signs. They are Cirrus Clouds, Cirrostratus clouds, Altostratus clouds, Nimbostratus clouds, Stratocumulus clouds, Stratus clouds.

Clouds are the most reliable of weather signs. There are ten main types of cloud formation. Approximate altitudes are given for each type. THe same shapes occur at lower altitutudes […]

SAS 113 – Reading Weather with Clouds

Clouds are the most reliable of weather signs. There are ten main types of cloud formation. Approximate altitudes are given for each type. THe same shapes occur at lower altitutudes […]

Weather is much more localised than climate and there can be marked variations between one small area and the next. A regular pattern of day-night change in wind direction suggests […]

SAS 112 – Direction Finding & Weather

Weather is much more localised than climate and there can be marked variations between one small area and the next. A regular pattern of day-night change in wind direction suggests […]

Plants can give an indication of north and south. They tend to grow towards the sun, so flowers and most abundant growth will be to the south in the northern […]

SAS 110 – Direction Finding

Plants can give an indication of north and south. They tend to grow towards the sun, so flowers and most abundant growth will be to the south in the northern […]

Direction by Watch: a traditional analogue watch with two hands can tell direction, provided it is set to true local time. The nearer the Equator you are, the less accurate […]

SAS 109 – Direction Finding

Direction by Watch: a traditional analogue watch with two hands can tell direction, provided it is set to true local time. The nearer the Equator you are, the less accurate […]

Direction Finding: The sun rises the eas and sets in the west, roughly speaking. In the northern hemisphere, at noon, the sun will be due south; in the southern hemisphere […]

SAS 108 – Map Reading & Direction Finding

Direction Finding: The sun rises the eas and sets in the west, roughly speaking. In the northern hemisphere, at noon, the sun will be due south; in the southern hemisphere […]

There techniques for lashing differ consistent with the position of the segments. THese strategies are significant in making flatboats, safe houses and so on. 

SAS 105 – Knots

There techniques for lashing differ consistent with the position of the segments. THese strategies are significant in making flatboats, safe houses and so on. 

Tie the same number stepping stools as manharness hitches in a rope as you need hand and toeholds. An arrangement of overhand hitches tied at interims in a smooth rope […]

SAS 102 – Knots

Tie the same number stepping stools as manharness hitches in a rope as you need hand and toeholds. An arrangement of overhand hitches tied at interims in a smooth rope […]

Triple Bowline: A bowline made with a twofold line. Structure a circle, pass copied exist close through circle, betraying standing part and trust through circle. This produces 3 circles which […]

SAS 101 – Knots

Triple Bowline: A bowline made with a twofold line. Structure a circle, pass copied exist close through circle, betraying standing part and trust through circle. This produces 3 circles which […]

Fisherman’s knot is the perfect hitch for uniting springy vines, wires, dangerous lines and gut throwing a baited hook out there line. Particularly secure but difficult to untie. Not prescribed […]

SAS 100 – Knots

Fisherman’s knot is the perfect hitch for uniting springy vines, wires, dangerous lines and gut throwing a baited hook out there line. Particularly secure but difficult to untie. Not prescribed […]

Simple Knots: These ties are briskly made and will help you perceive the more convoluted ties that accompany. Overhead Knot: Make a circle and pass the live close over through […]

SAS 099 – Knots

Simple Knots: These ties are briskly made and will help you perceive the more convoluted ties that accompany. Overhead Knot: Make a circle and pass the live close over through […]

Taking care of Rope: Rope should be protected from exposure to damp or storing sunlight and if made from natural fibres, from attack by rodents and insects. If it does […]

SAS 097 – Clothing & Ropes

Taking care of Rope: Rope should be protected from exposure to damp or storing sunlight and if made from natural fibres, from attack by rodents and insects. If it does […]

Beds: Avoid lying on cold, damp ground. In the tropics raise the bed to provide a current of air. In cold climates, Keep a fire going through the night and […]

SAS 095 – Camp Tools & Beds

Beds: Avoid lying on cold, damp ground. In the tropics raise the bed to provide a current of air. In cold climates, Keep a fire going through the night and […]

Camp Discipline: Do not plan amusement in camp: drain, gut and skin on the trap line to pull in event to traps, not to the camp.

SAS 092 – Organising Camp

Camp Discipline: Do not plan amusement in camp: drain, gut and skin on the trap line to pull in event to traps, not to the camp.

Assuming that no charge structure exists between an aggregation of survivors, build an organising board with specific obligations. A program is crucial for every day tasks. 

SAS 091 – Preserving Food & Organising Camp

Assuming that no charge structure exists between an aggregation of survivors, build an organising board with specific obligations. A program is crucial for every day tasks. 

If food is not plentiful or is limited by season, ensure that stores keep safely. Do not store food in direct sunlight, near excessive warmth or moisture, nor where scavengers […]

SAS 090 – Preserving Food

If food is not plentiful or is limited by season, ensure that stores keep safely. Do not store food in direct sunlight, near excessive warmth or moisture, nor where scavengers […]