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Survival DIY Archive
SAS 001 – Preparation
Here are some of the safe tips before you make any journey. The Boy Scouts’ motto is the right one. Make sure you are physically and mentally prepared before you […]
Survival Tips A
Shipwreck causes mainly dude to improper outline, shamefully stowed freight, route and different human slips heading to impacts (with a different send, the shoreline, a chunk of ice, and so […]
SAS 038 – Trees
Fungi should be emphatically distinguished before consuming. No reliable edibility tests exist – lethal sorts don’t taste obnoxious and no side effects may show up for certain hours in the […]
SAS 096 – Camp Tools & Animal Products
Skins and Furs: Properly prepared skins ae supple, strong, and resist tearing. They have good thermal insulation, and are permeable to air and water vapour. For moccasins, shelters, laces, thongs, […]
SAS 169 – Dangerous Water Creatures
Some of the dangerous water creatures are Electric eel, Piranha, Stingray, Rabbitfish, Tang toadfish, Scorpionfish, stonefish.
SAS 093 – Camp Tools
Camp tools that are used in the camp craft are the Stone Tools, BOne tools, the axes.
SAS 087 – Fire
Cooking in clay: This requires o utensils. Wrap food in a ball of clay and place in the embers. Heat radiates through the clay, which protects against food scorching. Animals […]
SAS 151 – First Aid & Moving the Injured
Moving the Injured : Loading a Stretcher. A patient on a blanket can be lifted using the blanket. Other methods of lifting depend on the number of helpers. Agree signals […]
SAS 178 – Disaster Strategy, Flood, Tsunami & Avalanche
A tsunami or tidal wave is linked with an earthquake beneath the ocean, creating a series of waves which can reach more than 30m. Not all earthquakes cause tsunami, but […]
SAS 065 – Handling the Kill
While tissue is still warm, uproot any fragrance organs. Evacuate testicles of guys. To evacuate conceal, slice through skin as indicated. Make ring adjust back legs unequivocally above knee. Cut […]
SAS 043 – Desert & Tropical Plants
Growing tip, enclosed by crown of leaves or bases of leaf stems, is edible in most palms – eat if not too bitter. Avoid fruit unless positively identified.
SAS 172 – Dangerous Water Creatures & Predicting Disater
Accidents and isolation are not the only causes of a survival situation. many natural and man made forces can produce disasters in which your survival skills and strategies will come […]
SAS 080 – Building Shelter & Fire
Fire is crucial to survival. It furnishes warmth, security and a method of signalling; it bubbles water, cooks and jam nourishment; it warms metal to make instruments and prepare pots. […]
NFPA Rating Guide
The NFPA rating Explanation guide refers to the Ratings about the Health Hazards, Flammability Hazards, Instability Hazards, Rating Symbols and the Special Hazards.
SAS 037 – Edible Plants
Not all parts of the trees are edible. The outer bark is inedible, but the thin inner bark of certain trees can be eaten in Spring, when sap has started […]
SAS 174 – Disaster Strategy & Fire
Stay in a Vehicle: Do not try to drive through thick smoke. If caught in a fire in a vehicle, park in a clear area. Pull off the road, but […]
SAS 149 – First Aid, Fractures & Shock
During the severe bleeding, loss of body fluids from severe burns or prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea commonly lead to shock. Other causes are electrocution and heart attack.
Healing Bullet Wounds
Stop the bleeding by applying pressure directly to the wound with any available clean cloth. If the bullet has exited the body, apply pressure to both puncture areas. Remove the […]
SAS 088 – Useful Utensils
Some of the useful utensils that make the camp craft complete are the Pot ROd, Swinging pot holder, Variable pot hook, Cup, the Spoon, Birch Bark.
SAS 072 – Preparing Fish & Camping
All freshwater fish are palatable. Whenever the fish is gotten, cut it is throat to drain it, and evacuate gills. To gut it, opening from the butt-centric opening to the […]
SAS 040 – Fungi
Agaricus fungi: Avoid any that stain yellow when cut or bruised, or that smell of carbolic. Some young buttons are hard to distinguish from the deadly Amanitas. Dont Use any […]
SAS 104 – Knots
A secure knot, but will come untied with a single sharp tug on the live end. Recommended for temporarily anchoring lines. Carry a bight round a post or rail. ring […]
SAS 094 – Camp Tools
Tree Felling: Check overhead for dead branches and hornets nests. Clear Creepers and branches which could deflect blows. Cut branches off from the outside of the join. Cut from both […]