Fallout Shelter (1)

A fallout shelter is an encased space extraordinarily composed to secure tenants from radioactive flotsam and jetsam or aftermath coming about because of an atomic eruption. Numerous such havens were built as civil barrier measures around the Freezing War.

Fallout Shelter (1)

Fallout Shelter (1)

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PS Family Supply Kit (1)
Disasters happen anytime and any where. And when disaster strikes, you may not have much time to respond. A highway spill of hazardous material could mean instant evacuation. After a disaster, local officials and relief workers will be on the scene, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. 
SAS 002 - Equipment
Here are a portion of the things to work toward getting made due throughout any debacle. Matches ideally waterprrof, Candle which is shaved square for pressing, Flint, Magnifying glass, needles and string, fish catches and line and a compass which is fluid-filled sort with radiant catch is best. 
SAS 085 - Fire
Firelighting with Chemicals: The mixture containing Potassium Chlorate and sugar, Potassium permanganate and sugar and sodum chlorate and sugar are the perfect mixtures for the Camp Craft.
SAS 183 - Disaster Strategy & Volcano
Gas balls: A bundle of intensely hot gas and clean may move down the side of well of lava at velocities of more than 160 kph. Unless there is a underground safe house nearby, the sole risk of survival is to submerge under water and keep your breath for the part moment or somewhere in the vicinity it will take to pass. 
SAS 170 - Dangerous Water Creatures
Protection against Sharks: If you have shark repellent, follow the manufacturer's instructions. It may not befully effective, but even so use only if the situation is very grave. Repellent soon dissipates in the water and becomes ineffective.
Explosive Standards
An explosive material, in addition called a hazardous, is a reactive substance that holds a noteworthy measure of potential force that can handle an eruption if discharged suddenly, regularly went hand in hand with by the handling of light, high temperature, sound, and force. A hazardous charge is a measured amount of hazardous material.
SAS 009 - Water
Most essential thing during a fire disaster is Water. To find enough water, one can keep the mouth of the bag at the top with ta corner hanging low to collect water. Suspend tent from the apes or support with padded stick.
SAS 166 - Poisonous Snakes
Poisonous snakes like Fer De Lance, Bushmaster, Coral snake, have to be treated very carefully.
SAS 021 - Food & Food Dangers
Some of the dangers in the water could be:Beware in water too murky to see through. Well-camouflaged creatures like stingmys can lie hidden. Dont't put your hands into underwater crevices. Always approach a coral reef with caution. Lagoon fish are poisonous. 
SAS 144 - First Aid & Wounds
Lesser the bleeding immediately. Clean the wound carefully and apply a sterile dressing during an injury. To avoid the risk of infection, do not touch the wound or allow non-sterile materials to touch it. Replace the dressing only when it becomes very dirty.
SAS 069 - Fishing
When you can see fish but they are not taking bait, tie several hooks to a pole an lower it into water. Suspend a bright object 20cm above the pole, and when fish go to inspect it, pull hooks up sharply to catch them.
SAS 089 - Cooking Tips
Cooking tips in Camp Craft: Cut the meat into solid shapes and bubble. Check liver: just if firm, odourless, free from spots and hard irregularities. Stew or wrap the fish in leaves and place in sultry ashes Boild the flying creatures in all remains. Gut the reptiles, then cook in their skins. Assuredly bubble the shellfish. Cook and mince the Insects and worms b...
SAS 162 - Medicinal Plants
Intestinal problems can be permanently eradicated by Mountain avens, Balm, Water mint, Elm, Cleavers, Agrimony, Lesser celandine and solomon's seal.
How To Survive A Terrorist Attack
The terrorists want to take away your freedoms. By following the simple steps in the image you can protect yourself and your family from the terrorist threat.
SAS 020 - Swimming & Food
When fishing or swimming stay within your depth and watch for large waves which can knock you off your feet. If caught in undertow of a large wave, push off thebottom and swim to the surface.
SAS 044 - Tropical Plants
Always do not pick more than you need the edible plants. Food deteriorates rapidly in the tropics. Edible plants like Bignay, Mango, Sweet sop, Sour sop, Wild Fig, Ceylon Spinach, Tamarind Peanut and the Yam Beans are the most powerful edible plants. 
SAS 038 - Trees
Fungi should be emphatically distinguished before consuming. No reliable edibility tests exist – lethal sorts don't taste obnoxious and no side effects may show up for certain hours in the wake of consuming. There is no truth in people tales that a growth is not noxious once peeled or cooked, or that harmful sorts update colour when cooked. 
SAS 128 - Sea Survival & Fishing
The survival at sea is vulnerable to shark attack. Ocean sharks are not usually ferocious when food is plentiful. Most are cowards and can be scared off by the jab of a stick, especially on the nose. However, makinga commotion may attract sharks. Sharks feed off the ocean bottom, but hungry sharks will follow fish to the surface and into shallow water.