Mummies Unwrapped

A percentage of the best-protected characteristic mummies date from the Inca period in Peru and Chile nearly 500 years back, where youngsters were customarily relinquished on the summits of mountains in the Andes. In 1995, the solidified figure, not dried up and so not strictly a mummy, of a 11-to 14-year-old Inca young lady who had burned out some time between 1440 and 1450 was uncovered on Mount Ampato in southern Peru. Regarded as “Mummy Juanita” (“Momia Juanita” in Spanish) or “The Ice Lady”, certain prehistorians accept that she was a human offer to the Inca mountain god Inti. In Chile, there is ‘Miss Chile’, a decently safeguarded Tiwanaku period mummy.

Mummies Unwrapped

Mummies Unwrapped

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