SL NFL Helmet Logos

The club has had few official logos all through their history. The leading was presented in the early 1940s with a bear running with a football. The following logo emphasized a war fleet blue bear on top of a football. The group kept this until 1962, when the Bears trademark ‘C’ logo was first presented by the group.

The change in their logo from the dark bear was because of the augmentation of logos on head protectors, which expert football groups began including the late 1950s and early 1960s. Unlike some NFL establishments that have had numerous distinctive looks as time goes on, the Bears have kept the wishbone ‘C’ for over 40 years. The Bears ‘C’ logo first showed up on the protective caps in 1962. (The “C” is in the same font as the “C” long worn on the Cincinnati Reds’ baseball tops, and approximately looking like the University of Chicago Maroons logo). The logo updated from white to a white-outskirted orange logo eleven years later, and has remained unchanged after.

SL NFL Helmet Logos

SL NFL Helmet Logos

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