Old Time Map of the Celestial Hemispheres

The divine circle might be acknowledged to be interminable in sweep. This denotes any focus within it, incorporating that involved by the spectator, might be recognized the inside. It moreover indicates that everything parallel lines, be they millimeters separated or crosswise over the Earth’s planetary group from one another, will appear to cross the circle at a lone indicate, comparable to the vanishing purpose of graphical perspective.[2] All parallel planes will appear to converge the circle in a correspondent essential circle[3] (a “vanishing ring”). Then again, spectators having a striking resemblance indicate on an endless-range heavenly circle can be looking in parallel lines, and eyewitnesses appearing to be identical critical round, in parallel planes. On a boundless-span heavenly circle, all spectators see the same things in the same bearing.

Old Time Map of the Celestial Hemispheres

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