Lightning is an enormous electrostatic release brought about by unequal electric charge in the air, either inside fogs, fog to fog or fog to ground, went hand in hand with by the noisy sound of thunder.
A normal fog to ground lightning strike might be over 5 km (3 mi) long. An average thunderstorm may have several or more strikes for every moment at its peak. Lightning is regularly prepared by cumulonimbus fogs up to 15 km towering (10 mi) towering, based 5-6 km (3-4 mi) above the ground. Lightning is brought about by the dissemination of warm dampness-filled air through electric fields. Ice or water particles then aggregate charge as in a Van de Graaf generator. Lightning may happen around snow storms (thundersnow), volcanic emissions, clean storms, woodland fiery breakouts or tornadoes. Tropical storms normally produce some lightning, fundamentally in the rainbands the same amount as 160 km (100 mi) from the center.
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