The term shrimp is utilized to imply some decapod scavangers, even though the precise creatures secured can change. Utilized comprehensively, it might blanket any of the assemblies with lengthened forms and a fundamentally swimming mode of velocity – mainly Caridea and Dendrobranchiata. In a few fields, on the other hand, the term is utilized all the more barely, and may be limited to Caridea, to more modest types of either assembly, or to just the marine species. Under the broader definition, shrimp may be synonymous with prawn, blanket stalk-eyed swimming scavangers with long contract husky tails (guts), long hairs (radio wires) and thin legs.
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Curry is always great, but I've never seen a thai curry recipe, so this will be fun. You'll need: sliced beef, 3 tablespoons of green curry paste, 2 can of coconut milk, 2 small red chilis, 3 sliced onions, sugar snap peas, 1/2 paprika, 1/2 stalk lemongrass, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Put all these things in a sauce pan and let cook until beef is done. Easy peasy. ...
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