Measurement Conversion Table

Who hasn’t ever found a great recipe and felt over confident in their cooking and/or baking skills? Who among us is actually a trained chef? Ever ran into the “eyes bigger than your mouth” conundrum? No one happily anticipates tasting the salty Dead Sea when they were expecting refreshing mineral water. No one likes being surprised by a salty snack when they expected something sweet. For those of us who aren’t so culinarily gifted and for those of us who have never attended any kind of formal educational cooking class, I hereby present you with this table of conversion metrics for both liquid and dry measurements. Never again will you have to follow the “guess and check” method that will only result in disaster, leaving your loved one with a bad taste in their mouth and you with a bruised ego. Fear not, as this easy to read graphic can provide you with the perfect reference tool for any aspiring chef. Want to impress that special someone with your culinary skills? Worried about overdoing it on the salt or sugar? No one likes an over spiced soufflé and no one wants to be the culprit who accidentally added a tablespoon of salt to their chocolate chip cookies instead of a teaspoon (yes, there is a difference and no, you cannot measure a teaspoon with a TEAspoon). Just save this graphic in your phone, PC or tablet and kiss your worries goodbye. Not only will your loved ones be impressed by your exceptional use of ingredients. No more guessing and checking; say hello to the only culinary measurement in tool that you will ever need. Within no time, you will be on track to be one of the best chefs in your loved one’s life.

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