Learn How to Serve Thai Iced Tea the Right Way

Thai frosted tea or cha yen in Thailand is a beverage a product of determinedly prepared dark tea. This tea is sweetened with sugar and consolidated milk and served chilled. Vanished milk, coconut milk or entire milk is usually spilled over the tea and ice before serving to include taste and velvety presence. On the other hand, in Thailand, dense milk and sugar are blended with the tea before it is spilled over ice then after that finished with vanished drain. In Thai restaurants worldwide, it is served in a tall glass, however in Thailand it is all the more regularly spilled over the pounded ice in a clear (or translucent) plastic mug. It can additionally be made into a frappé at additional westernised merchants.

FC 125 - Serve Thai Iced Tea

FC 125 – Serve Thai Iced Tea

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