The definitive sort of sushi, known today as nare-zushi was first made in Southeast Asia, perhaps along what is currently regarded as the Mekong River. The sushi cooking then spread to Southern China before it was presented in Japan.[citation needed] The term sushi hails from an age-old syntactic structure no longer utilized within different connections; actually, sushi indicates “harsh tasting”, an impression of its momentous aged roots.
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How to Make Thai Green Curry
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Curry is always great, but I've never seen a thai curry recipe, so this will be fun. You'll need: sliced beef, 3 tablespoons of green curry paste, 2 can of coconut milk, 2 small red chilis, 3 sliced onions, sugar snap peas, 1/2 paprika, 1/2 stalk lemongrass, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Put all these things in a sauce pan and let cook until beef is done. Easy peasy. ...
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