S&P 500 Crashing from 2012-2018

The S&P 500 index is a stock market index which tracks the top 500 public companies by market cap. This is generally considered a good indicator of the health of the United States economy since other indexes such as the DOW and Nasdaq have either too few equities in the index or are weighted too heavily toward technology respectively.

The below infographic shows each time a news contributor mocked the bull market economy and swore the stock market would crash along with everything else. You can see below that each one of those predictions were wrong and still in 2019 we have a raging bull market.

You can see that today is no different: all the talking heads on television and on the internet are still saying the economy will crash. The doom and gloomers will be right eventually, but the market is generally in a bull market more often than a bear market going back until inception of the stock market.

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