Loft and Condo Sales in Los Angeles

There were 324 loft and condo sales in Los Angeles in 2015. The average price per square foot was $601.39 and 62 average days on the market. The top 5 buildings by price per square foot were $1,078, $759.11, $722.80, $713.97, and $688.90.

The most expensive lease was in the Ritz Residences and the least expensive lease was in the Toy Warehouse.

The highest price increase from last year was the Molino Lofts at 35.18%, then the Biscuit Lofts at 25.25%, then the Grand Lofts at 20.68%.

If you are looking for the best lofts in downtown Los Angeles, visit LoftWay. They help you to search all lofts in Los Angeles including Hollywood lofts, Venice lofts, downtown LA lofts, and Marina Del Rey lofts.

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