IRS Facts & Stats

IRS Facts & Stats

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A study measuring the environmental and economic benefits of tress in metropolita chicago quantified how much tress improve air quality and reduce enery cost.They do so by absorbing atmospheric pollutants and when located properly, tress reduce energy use in builldings which in turn results in lower carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel power plants.
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Splitting Spending
Splitting the spend media agencies and the online dollar. Television still dominates global ad spending in 2011 with $190 billion, but online opportunities are changing the game with $72 billion, newspaper with $93 billion, magazine $43, radio $33 billion and outdoor $31 billion. All together the global ad spend is expected to be up 4.2% in 2011.  
US vs UK on Self-Employment
US self employed earn #13,720 compared to UK. This amount is already enough to buy 3843 big macs.US average self employed wage is $45,092 while on UK average wage in self employed is $31,372.Self employed workers in UK have to work for 146 hous. That is more than a us worker to earn the same as the average salaried employee.
Newsroom of Tomorrow
For more than a decade INNOVATION has been leading the way in the creation of fully integrated newsrooms with modern workflows where planning, creativity and teamwork are at the core of the news production process.Open spaces, walls down, fully integrated on/offline,rolling deadlines, radar and radial system are just some of its process.The starting points are the audiences.First is to assess the ...
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Timing the Market Doesn't Work
Many investors try to time the market for the highest return. Timing the market does not work, as shown in the infographic below. It would also be equally as disadvantageous to try and time a recession for maximum return. For an investor that invest in the S&P 500 in 1995, the average annual return yielded $65,000 for each $10,000 invested if the inverstor held until 2015. The informat...
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The Worlds Financial State. Just name your price and dont panic.
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Initial public offerings, a measure of china's financial strength, hong kong and shanghai are now global leaders supplanting new york. by virtues of this holdings, china has become america's biggest foreign lender. no country has ever loaned another so much money.Nor has any held so much reserves.
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What Women Buy
Women make up 70% of all sonsumer spending in the United States. You may be surprised to learn where their money goes.91% of it is for homes, 51% for electronics, 94% for furniture and 60% for cars.