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Life Satisfaction and Happiness by Age
"Life gets better" is what many younger to Middle Ages adults tell others that are younger than them. This graph would say otherwise! According to research done that questioned various people about how happy they were by age, life seems to get worse, then better. People repeatedly said they were more and more depressed from 20-40 years old. It appears most people felt very dissatisfied with their ...
"Life gets better" is what many younger to Middle Ages adults tell others that are younger than them. This graph would say otherwise! According to research done that questioned various people about how happy they were by age, life seems to get worse, then better. People repeatedly said they were more and more depressed from 20-40 years old. It appears most people felt very dissatisfied with their ...
Cost of House Cleaning
US vs UK on Self-Employment
US self employed earn #13,720 compared to UK. This amount is already enough to buy 3843 big macs.US average self employed wage is $45,092 while on UK average wage in self employed is $31,372.Self employed workers in UK have to work for 146 hous. That is more than a us worker to earn the same as the average salaried employee.
US self employed earn #13,720 compared to UK. This amount is already enough to buy 3843 big macs.US average self employed wage is $45,092 while on UK average wage in self employed is $31,372.Self employed workers in UK have to work for 146 hous. That is more than a us worker to earn the same as the average salaried employee.
US Economics -- Key Statistics
While 2009 began on depressing note, the economy showed signs of resurgence towards the end of the year. Crude oil prices shoot up in tight of increasing demands. Economic growth has shown a marked rise. Domestic mutal fund investments become increasingly volatile. Foreign institutional investors begin on a wary note turn positive. Industrial production moves up.Export growth was flat, but im...
While 2009 began on depressing note, the economy showed signs of resurgence towards the end of the year. Crude oil prices shoot up in tight of increasing demands. Economic growth has shown a marked rise. Domestic mutal fund investments become increasingly volatile. Foreign institutional investors begin on a wary note turn positive. Industrial production moves up.Export growth was flat, but im...
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India vs US Economy
In this infograhpic, one can see how the United States stacks up against India currently. The GDP of India is small in comparision to the United States, but its growth rate is substantially higher. Check out what other stats India is better in below.
In this infograhpic, one can see how the United States stacks up against India currently. The GDP of India is small in comparision to the United States, but its growth rate is substantially higher. Check out what other stats India is better in below.
Splitting Spending
Splitting the spend media agencies and the online dollar. Television still dominates global ad spending in 2011 with $190 billion, but online opportunities are changing the game with $72 billion, newspaper with $93 billion, magazine $43, radio $33 billion and outdoor $31 billion. All together the global ad spend is expected to be up 4.2% in 2011.
Splitting the spend media agencies and the online dollar. Television still dominates global ad spending in 2011 with $190 billion, but online opportunities are changing the game with $72 billion, newspaper with $93 billion, magazine $43, radio $33 billion and outdoor $31 billion. All together the global ad spend is expected to be up 4.2% in 2011.
Women at the Top
After a years of flooding into the work place, women now account for 47 percent of the labour force and 37 percent of manangement. Despite these gains, they remain a small minority at the top.
After a years of flooding into the work place, women now account for 47 percent of the labour force and 37 percent of manangement. Despite these gains, they remain a small minority at the top.
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