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If everyone in the world would work from 9am-5pm, the following daily routine of the worlds population would appear and most of the worlds population sleeps.
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You might think your getting what you pay for at the supermarket, but your actually getting a little less. A recent investigation by Consumer Reports fround that many of the everyday items you buy have been suspiciously shrinking, despite no similar reduction in cost. Does that orange juice feel a little lighter? That's because it is, even through you paid the same amount.
You might think your getting what you pay for at the supermarket, but your actually getting a little less. A recent investigation by Consumer Reports fround that many of the everyday items you buy have been suspiciously shrinking, despite no similar reduction in cost. Does that orange juice feel a little lighter? That's because it is, even through you paid the same amount.
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Splitting Spending
Splitting the spend media agencies and the online dollar. Television still dominates global ad spending in 2011 with $190 billion, but online opportunities are changing the game with $72 billion, newspaper with $93 billion, magazine $43, radio $33 billion and outdoor $31 billion. All together the global ad spend is expected to be up 4.2% in 2011.
Splitting the spend media agencies and the online dollar. Television still dominates global ad spending in 2011 with $190 billion, but online opportunities are changing the game with $72 billion, newspaper with $93 billion, magazine $43, radio $33 billion and outdoor $31 billion. All together the global ad spend is expected to be up 4.2% in 2011.
How Many Student Loans Are Financed
Everyone knows american are swimming in credit card debt. But just this year a new debt has quietly surpassed our consumer spending addiction.Student loan are now at $829 billion and the following protections have been removed from students loans. Statute of limitations on collections, truth in lending act, fair debt collection practices act, the right refinance, adherance to state usury law...
Everyone knows american are swimming in credit card debt. But just this year a new debt has quietly surpassed our consumer spending addiction.Student loan are now at $829 billion and the following protections have been removed from students loans. Statute of limitations on collections, truth in lending act, fair debt collection practices act, the right refinance, adherance to state usury law...
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