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CG: Economics, Evironment, Infastructure, Politics, and Society
What Women Buy
Women make up 70% of all sonsumer spending in the United States. You may be surprised to learn where their money goes.91% of it is for homes, 51% for electronics, 94% for furniture and 60% for cars.
Women make up 70% of all sonsumer spending in the United States. You may be surprised to learn where their money goes.91% of it is for homes, 51% for electronics, 94% for furniture and 60% for cars.
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Value of Urban Greenery
A study measuring the environmental and economic benefits of tress in metropolita chicago quantified how much tress improve air quality and reduce enery cost.They do so by absorbing atmospheric pollutants and when located properly, tress reduce energy use in builldings which in turn results in lower carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel power plants.
A study measuring the environmental and economic benefits of tress in metropolita chicago quantified how much tress improve air quality and reduce enery cost.They do so by absorbing atmospheric pollutants and when located properly, tress reduce energy use in builldings which in turn results in lower carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel power plants.
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Euro GPD Per Capita -- 2006
In 2006 in Europe we can see that the capita per hour rises incredibly. From under 10$ per hour to 40$
In 2006 in Europe we can see that the capita per hour rises incredibly. From under 10$ per hour to 40$
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The Thought of Switching Jobs
As the increment season sets in, its time to gauge the employee mood.Not all people are satisfied with their current salary, 68% of them says they are not satisfied because of the economy and the hiring situation have improved. 18% says yes considering the job losses in the recent past and current situation and 14% says they are not in the position to leave their job, therefore they are sati...
As the increment season sets in, its time to gauge the employee mood.Not all people are satisfied with their current salary, 68% of them says they are not satisfied because of the economy and the hiring situation have improved. 18% says yes considering the job losses in the recent past and current situation and 14% says they are not in the position to leave their job, therefore they are sati...
What Happens in a Recession
Weatherford Employee Connection
Employee connect is your gateway to information.Get Connected by loging-in to employee connect from any weatherford computer to view your competence standards and supportive training.Taking control by reviewing the standard prior to your tool box talks.Selecting your path by informing your supervisor you intend to complete the identified units. Standard approval- an email will be send t...
Employee connect is your gateway to information.Get Connected by loging-in to employee connect from any weatherford computer to view your competence standards and supportive training.Taking control by reviewing the standard prior to your tool box talks.Selecting your path by informing your supervisor you intend to complete the identified units. Standard approval- an email will be send t...
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