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Workflow map keeps you in control, relaxed, focuses and inspired.
Workflow map keeps you in control, relaxed, focuses and inspired.
Weatherford Employee Connection
Employee connect is your gateway to information.Get Connected by loging-in to employee connect from any weatherford computer to view your competence standards and supportive training.Taking control by reviewing the standard prior to your tool box talks.Selecting your path by informing your supervisor you intend to complete the identified units. Standard approval- an email will be send t...
Employee connect is your gateway to information.Get Connected by loging-in to employee connect from any weatherford computer to view your competence standards and supportive training.Taking control by reviewing the standard prior to your tool box talks.Selecting your path by informing your supervisor you intend to complete the identified units. Standard approval- an email will be send t...
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Obama's Stimulus Plan in a Chart
Obama's $787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan is for tax cuts, aide for state and local government, relief, infrastructure, energy efficiency and human capital. This money goes to goverment over $351 Billion, $299 billion for people and $137 billion for business.
Obama's $787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan is for tax cuts, aide for state and local government, relief, infrastructure, energy efficiency and human capital. This money goes to goverment over $351 Billion, $299 billion for people and $137 billion for business.
Dilbert Survey of Economics
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Student Budget in a Pie Chart
According to study of student expenditures at yale University in 1915, one college freshman spent $4,500 in his first year. The least amount spent by a freshman that year was $200, or $4,201 adjusted for inflation. And according to national Retail Federation there are $10.5 billion gearing-up for campus this year.
According to study of student expenditures at yale University in 1915, one college freshman spent $4,500 in his first year. The least amount spent by a freshman that year was $200, or $4,201 adjusted for inflation. And according to national Retail Federation there are $10.5 billion gearing-up for campus this year.
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Life Satisfaction and Happiness by Age
"Life gets better" is what many younger to Middle Ages adults tell others that are younger than them. This graph would say otherwise! According to research done that questioned various people about how happy they were by age, life seems to get worse, then better. People repeatedly said they were more and more depressed from 20-40 years old. It appears most people felt very dissatisfied with their ...
"Life gets better" is what many younger to Middle Ages adults tell others that are younger than them. This graph would say otherwise! According to research done that questioned various people about how happy they were by age, life seems to get worse, then better. People repeatedly said they were more and more depressed from 20-40 years old. It appears most people felt very dissatisfied with their ...
CEO Compensation (2)
UK vs World Economies
We live in a world thats shrinking due to communication and technology, yet growing in terms of overall wealth and prosperity. In this graphic, we take a look at a few of the worlds leading nations, in terms of economic conditions for individuals and nations. From the perspective of the UK, one of the oldest economies in the world.The UK treasury just released ist spending review which specifies t...
We live in a world thats shrinking due to communication and technology, yet growing in terms of overall wealth and prosperity. In this graphic, we take a look at a few of the worlds leading nations, in terms of economic conditions for individuals and nations. From the perspective of the UK, one of the oldest economies in the world.The UK treasury just released ist spending review which specifies t...
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