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Obama's $787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan is for tax cuts, aide for state and local government, relief, infrastructure, energy efficiency and human capital. This money goes to goverment over $351 Billion, $299 billion for people and $137 billion for business.
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As the increment season sets in, its time to gauge the employee mood.Not all people are satisfied with their current salary, 68% of them says they are not satisfied because of the economy and the hiring situation have improved. 18% says yes considering the job losses in the recent past and current situation and 14% says they are not in the position to leave their job, therefore they are sati...
As the increment season sets in, its time to gauge the employee mood.Not all people are satisfied with their current salary, 68% of them says they are not satisfied because of the economy and the hiring situation have improved. 18% says yes considering the job losses in the recent past and current situation and 14% says they are not in the position to leave their job, therefore they are sati...
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Last April 2009, Toys R Us has stopped ordering drop-side cribs because of safety concerns.The company's chairman and chief executive told the wall street Journal. Dropside models figured in many of the recalls in which missing or loose hardware caused the drop-side to separate form the crib, creating a gap in which a baby can become trapped or strangle.There are two different types of recalls, th...
Last April 2009, Toys R Us has stopped ordering drop-side cribs because of safety concerns.The company's chairman and chief executive told the wall street Journal. Dropside models figured in many of the recalls in which missing or loose hardware caused the drop-side to separate form the crib, creating a gap in which a baby can become trapped or strangle.There are two different types of recalls, th...
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Everyone knows american are swimming in credit card debt. But just this year a new debt has quietly surpassed our consumer spending addiction.Student loan are now at $829 billion and the following protections have been removed from students loans. Statute of limitations on collections, truth in lending act, fair debt collection practices act, the right refinance, adherance to state usury law...
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US vs UK on Self-Employment
US self employed earn #13,720 compared to UK. This amount is already enough to buy 3843 big macs.US average self employed wage is $45,092 while on UK average wage in self employed is $31,372.Self employed workers in UK have to work for 146 hous. That is more than a us worker to earn the same as the average salaried employee.
US self employed earn #13,720 compared to UK. This amount is already enough to buy 3843 big macs.US average self employed wage is $45,092 while on UK average wage in self employed is $31,372.Self employed workers in UK have to work for 146 hous. That is more than a us worker to earn the same as the average salaried employee.
Nice. I never thought of car service as having a family tree :/