Before Selling a Home
The most popular professionals contacted before selling homes in the West are general contractors. The average project cost is $118,763. In the Midwest, the most popular professional for renovations are handymen. The average cost is only $213. In the Northeast, it is also handymen with an average project cost of $217.
On a national scale, the most popular profession type for renovations are general contractors with an average project cost of $53,280. In the South, the most popular profession type are electricians with an average project cost is $5,000
After Buying a Home
After buying homes, the most popular project is sewer repair, with an average project cost of $2,677 in the West. In the Midwest, it is plumbing updates with an average project cost of $5,128. In the Northeast, it is sewer repair with an average cost of $1,919.
On a national scale, the largest project type is interior painting with an average cost of $2,677. In the South, it is water heater replacement with an average cost of $483.
Look at the infographic below.
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