Know the penguins life in whole year. Jan-march is for feeding, April is for marching to rookery, May is for mating, june-july is for incubating eggs through male, August is for hatching, Sept-oct for feeding the chicks, oct-nov where chicks form groups to stay w
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Bird Anatomy (2)
Birds are just some of those cute creatures. Let's take a look at this bird part.
Birds are just some of those cute creatures. Let's take a look at this bird part.
Dinosaur Comparitive Sizes
Brachiosaurus shows that his the tallest among the dinosaur, followed by Diplodocus, and the third one are iguanodon fourth is tyrannosaurus, fifth is Stegosaurus, sixth is Triceratops, seventh will be velociraptor and the last is Compsognathus.
Brachiosaurus shows that his the tallest among the dinosaur, followed by Diplodocus, and the third one are iguanodon fourth is tyrannosaurus, fifth is Stegosaurus, sixth is Triceratops, seventh will be velociraptor and the last is Compsognathus.
Large Animals
Know the large animals height. Quetzalcoatlus has 40 foot wingspan, giraffes is about 15-17 feet tall, Tyrannosaurus rex has over 40 feet long, 20 feet tall, Brachiosaurus is about 50 feet tall, 85 feet long, Homo sapiens is about 5-6 feet tall, compsognathus is 2 feet long and Blue whale is 80-100 feet long.
Know the large animals height. Quetzalcoatlus has 40 foot wingspan, giraffes is about 15-17 feet tall, Tyrannosaurus rex has over 40 feet long, 20 feet tall, Brachiosaurus is about 50 feet tall, 85 feet long, Homo sapiens is about 5-6 feet tall, compsognathus is 2 feet long and Blue whale is 80-100 feet long.
Cat Colors & Patterns
Learn more about you pet cats color. You can check its eye color and fur color to know more about them.
Learn more about you pet cats color. You can check its eye color and fur color to know more about them.
Wild Animal Personal Injury
If your planning to go to the wild, you might want to know this information. This will not only help you to prevent death, but it will also save you. Mosquitos, Snake, scorpions, Big cats and crocodiles are just some animals you need to avoid and watch out. But if we are talking to aquatic animals, Great white shark, Piranha, Belcher's sea snake, marbled corn snake and blue ringed octopus is just ...
If your planning to go to the wild, you might want to know this information. This will not only help you to prevent death, but it will also save you. Mosquitos, Snake, scorpions, Big cats and crocodiles are just some animals you need to avoid and watch out. But if we are talking to aquatic animals, Great white shark, Piranha, Belcher's sea snake, marbled corn snake and blue ringed octopus is just ...
At first i thought pigs are not suitable as pet. But pigs are rank number 4 in animal intelligence. They are also smart like other animals, in which just a few weeks of being born they can already will recognize their own name. Aside from that, they can eat almost anything, they can even scream and they are also fast that can run up to seven minute per mile.
At first i thought pigs are not suitable as pet. But pigs are rank number 4 in animal intelligence. They are also smart like other animals, in which just a few weeks of being born they can already will recognize their own name. Aside from that, they can eat almost anything, they can even scream and they are also fast that can run up to seven minute per mile.
Pet Stats
Are you a pet obsessed? Those pet lovers surely spend a lot of dollars just for their pets. From food, clothes, vitamins and other health care.Didnt you know there are 39% of pet owners say they have more photos of their pet than of their spouse. 701 types of pure breed dogs and 1.5 billion$ is spent on pet food every year. But there are 30,000 number of cats and dogs destroyed each day in us anim...
Are you a pet obsessed? Those pet lovers surely spend a lot of dollars just for their pets. From food, clothes, vitamins and other health care.Didnt you know there are 39% of pet owners say they have more photos of their pet than of their spouse. 701 types of pure breed dogs and 1.5 billion$ is spent on pet food every year. But there are 30,000 number of cats and dogs destroyed each day in us anim...
Evolution of Birds
Evolution of the birds chart from L.jurassic to early cretaceous and late creataceous.
Evolution of the birds chart from L.jurassic to early cretaceous and late creataceous.
Song Bird Family Tree
Know the song birds family tree with over 3500 species this past 80 million years ago.You can see the birds species from vocal learners up to non learners. Vocal learners include Passeroidea, Certhioidea, muscicapoidea, silvioidea and corvoidea, while non learner is Suboscines.
Know the song birds family tree with over 3500 species this past 80 million years ago.You can see the birds species from vocal learners up to non learners. Vocal learners include Passeroidea, Certhioidea, muscicapoidea, silvioidea and corvoidea, while non learner is Suboscines.
Pet Poison
Know your pets common causes of poisoning. You should keep in mind that, accidental Ingestion of Pet medications is one of them, rate poison, Chocolate caffeine, plant poisoning, household chemicals is just some of those thing that can endangered your pets life.
Know your pets common causes of poisoning. You should keep in mind that, accidental Ingestion of Pet medications is one of them, rate poison, Chocolate caffeine, plant poisoning, household chemicals is just some of those thing that can endangered your pets life.
How Sharks Survive
We know sharks are now endangered creatures. But how do they really survive? By, seeing their physical characteristics, it seems that they are more advantage compared to other sea water animals. They have spine, muscles, Intestines, fins, snout and mouth with large teeth.
We know sharks are now endangered creatures. But how do they really survive? By, seeing their physical characteristics, it seems that they are more advantage compared to other sea water animals. They have spine, muscles, Intestines, fins, snout and mouth with large teeth.
Have you seen about Platipus? Its really a very unusual animals, its like a bird or a reptile but its not. Platipus is like a snake that releases venom from its back claws of males, It has single opening anus and urino-genital system like birds and reptiles, it has a toothless mouthand rubbery beak, webbed feet for swimming like birds, and they also keep their eyes and nostril shut when swimming.&...
Have you seen about Platipus? Its really a very unusual animals, its like a bird or a reptile but its not. Platipus is like a snake that releases venom from its back claws of males, It has single opening anus and urino-genital system like birds and reptiles, it has a toothless mouthand rubbery beak, webbed feet for swimming like birds, and they also keep their eyes and nostril shut when swimming.&...
Whaling Industry
Whales are just some of the animals that are not so lucky. In 20th century, they were killed and uses the whale fat (blubber) as a fuel and lubricating oils, while the whale ambergris is uses for perfume and the whalebones is to produce corsets. In 1910 - 1979 there are 2.4 million whales have been killed, and now there are already under the threat of extinction.
Whales are just some of the animals that are not so lucky. In 20th century, they were killed and uses the whale fat (blubber) as a fuel and lubricating oils, while the whale ambergris is uses for perfume and the whalebones is to produce corsets. In 1910 - 1979 there are 2.4 million whales have been killed, and now there are already under the threat of extinction.
Marine Diversity
Marine life chart all around the globe. In which the maximum number of marine mammals species in a region is 52, sharks 140, molluscs 1114, birds 115, and shrimps and lobsters 210.
Marine life chart all around the globe. In which the maximum number of marine mammals species in a region is 52, sharks 140, molluscs 1114, birds 115, and shrimps and lobsters 210.
Bulbasaur Anatomy
Do you know bulbasaur? Bulbasaur is the combination of bulb and dinosaur. It can be seen in an anime called pokemon.Bulbasuar ability is through his vines in his back. The vines was merging with the spinal cord allowing signals from the brain to pass to the plant.
Do you know bulbasaur? Bulbasaur is the combination of bulb and dinosaur. It can be seen in an anime called pokemon.Bulbasuar ability is through his vines in his back. The vines was merging with the spinal cord allowing signals from the brain to pass to the plant.
Dog Bones
Check how dog bones look like. Just watch the image below.
Check how dog bones look like. Just watch the image below.
You cant imagine that in 1 acre of land there are 250,000-1.75 millions of earthworms? And they can consume 1/2 to 1 times of their body weight everyday and can process about 10 pounds of organic material per worm every year.They are quite skilled in burying things in soil. And if you dont know, earthworms are hermaphrodites. And they are able to regenerate most lost segments of their body. Aside ...
You cant imagine that in 1 acre of land there are 250,000-1.75 millions of earthworms? And they can consume 1/2 to 1 times of their body weight everyday and can process about 10 pounds of organic material per worm every year.They are quite skilled in burying things in soil. And if you dont know, earthworms are hermaphrodites. And they are able to regenerate most lost segments of their body. Aside ...
Bee Colors
Bees are not the same specially when it comes to their color.
Bees are not the same specially when it comes to their color.
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