Facts Vs Myths About Spiders

Many people are afraid of spiders, but women are more likely to be arachnophobic (the fear of spiders). Women are actually roughly twice as likely to be afraid of spiders than men are. Full on Arachnophobia affects only 3.5%-6.1% of the population.

A myth is that spiders come into the house in the fall to get out of the cold. Actually, fewer than 5% of spiders are both indoor and outdoor species. In fact, those spiders you have noticed are probably just matured spiderlings looking for mates and they have been living in your house all along. If you do not like the idea of spiders hatching in your home, you could always dust and vacuum thoroughly to remove spiders, webs, and egg sacs. And be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag in containers outdoors so the spider do not come back out in your home!

Another myth is that a large hairy spider that just ran across the living room floor is a wolf spider. Actually, wolf spiders are usually an outdoor species so that is most likely an innocuous giant house spiders. The giant house spider is one of the fastest spiders in the world and can run at a speed of 1.73 feet per second.

Another myth is that you swallow an average of 4-6 spiders per year in your sleep! This is not true and there are currently no records of any scientific or medical research that proves people swallow spiders in their sleep. If this was actually true, a person would have eaten 300-400 spiders in their lifetime!

One fact about spider silk is that some of the spider silk is actually tougher than Kevlar. The toughest known spider silk is produced by the Darwin’s bark spider, whose silk is over 10 times tougher than Kevlar.

Don’t like spiders in your home? Use a water hose or broom to regularly destroy any webs that are constructed on or around the house. Spiders often move elsewhere when their webs are regularly destroyed. Learn more at porch.com

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